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One Day, You Choose Life or Death
by Hank
Citation:   Hank. "One Day, You Choose Life or Death: An Experience with GBL (exp51914)". Aug 24, 2011.

  repeated oral GBL (daily)
I used GBL constantly for over a year.I panicked when I didn't have a full bottle in my pocket. One day I ran out for 12 hours. A few hours longer and I would have killed myself.

My tolerance was unbelievable. Towards the last month, I would sleep for 1/2 hour a night and only by doubling my dose. I knew that soon, the next overdose would be my last. So, I went to the only place I could for help--my parents. They told me I looked like a corpse when I got off the plane.

I thought I could slowly taper off and fill-in with Xanex. My parents where totally clueless on what I was going through. My Mom made me a tapering schedule. I couldn't do it. I finally told my Mom to throw it away and take me to the emergency room if it got too bad. From that point on, I don't remember the next 3 weeks of my life.

My dear, wonderful mother sat beside for 3 weeks as I cried almost non-stop and hallucinated. Xanex helps, but beware of it. There is no amount of Xanex that will make the withdrawal easy (and I had a lot of it). When I finally came around, I ran out of Xanex and could not get more. The Xanex addiction was just as bad as the GBL withdrawal.

Mine was an extreme case.I don't want to scare you. But I started using it 'once in a while' and it turned into the only thing in my life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 51914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2011Views: 6,891
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GBL (89) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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