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Not a Good Combination At All
5-MeO-DiPT & DXM
Citation:   Bmaan. "Not a Good Combination At All: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & DXM (exp5241)". Dec 9, 2001.

9.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT  
  500 mg oral DXM (liquid)
I was visiting San Diego (where I used to live) for a day and a friend and I decided to trip during the day. My friend, Joe, had never taken either 5 Meo-dipt or DXM, but he is one of the more experienced people I know with acid and shrooms and other illegal things, so figuring he could handle it, he took like 16 mgs of 5 Meo-dipt and I took 9. After a minute we decided to take the DXM as well, so there that went. This was around 9 in the morning.

Just after taking the capsules we hooked up with another friend of ours who had to go to the college library to do some research with a classmate. It hadn't even been a half hour and Joe said he wasn't sober, so we stayed outside while the other guy did his research. Joe felt odd and actually got sick, throwing up, but in a very controlled way. He couldn't really explain how he was feeling, but I felt nothing.

After an hour at the college we left and went with our other friend, who was sober, to buy a cell phone plan. Again we stayed outside while he took care of things, Joe complaining about how he felt. He said it felt like an intense body fry with no visuals and every few minutes he'd be perfectly okay but then the weird feeling would hit him again. It had been two hours now, he'd been tripping for an hour and a half, and I felt nothing.

When our other friend was done we went to play some pool. Now Joe was feeling good, enjoying his trip, getting visuals. It actually improved his pool playing. Our sober friend asked about what the trip was like and while Joe explained it I still was sober. The sober guy told us he had four sheets of acid at home and just offered me an entire sheet, but I couldn't accept that from someone I hadn't even seen in months, no matter how tempting.

Finally as we were finishing our hour of pool I started to feel something, which surprised me because I had given up since it had now been three hours since ingesting anything. I couldn't really focus my eyes on anything and I just had a general feeling that things weren't really right. I was talking and communicating but didn't really feel like myself. Joe and Mike wanted to go to the mall, so off we went.

As we drove over to the mall I started to feel really really weird. Nothing like DXM alone or 5 MeO-DiPT alone, and nothing like I expected. Me and Joe just kept saying to each other, 'This is weird. It's like...I don't know. It's weird.' When we parked in the parking garage everything just rushed up at me, and like Joe did 3 hours later, I got sick and threw up. That is the only time I have ever ever gotten sick on drugs.

I managed to follow my friends to the arcade but I didn't even try to play a videogame. I just sat in the racing games. Too many colors and sounds assaulting me. I love visuals but I couldn't even call this that. It was just nauseating. Finally we left and went to lunch but I couldn't eat and couldn't even talk.

After that it started to fade a bit but all the way until I caught my plane at like 530 I felt very very odd. It wasn't a bad trip in the sense of a bad trip, but it was a BAD trip, not fun. Very weird, unlike anything I've ever experienced and I never want to experience anything like it again. I have no intention of trying this combination again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5241
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2001Views: 12,468
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5-MeO-DiPT (57), DXM (22) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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