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The Legal Psychoactive
Wine & Beer
Citation:   niterider. "The Legal Psychoactive: An Experience with Wine & Beer (exp52650)". Jun 25, 2017.

6 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I have been drinking for... Let's see now I started when I was seventeen and I am now 25 so it's been a while.

But I guess before last year it was just something I did to get drunk or as a synergistic adjunct to weed or cocaine, or whatever I was doing. I never really sat back and enjoyed the buzz, but in doing so I have now developed an affinity for wine and beer that has decreased my use of cannabis. I noticed it got to the point in the last year, where I started looking forward to the alcohol buzz moreso than getting high off of weed. I realized that alcohol increased or rather enhanced my perception of music, made me more talkative, prone to laugh and overall lowered my inhibitions.
alcohol increased or rather enhanced my perception of music, made me more talkative, prone to laugh and overall lowered my inhibitions.

It is that buzz after about my first 4 to 8 ounces of alcohol that all these years I never seemed to recognize and enjoy. Now it is anticipated and realized every time I drink and is extremely pleasurable; an ephemeral feeling nonetheless (it goes away after about 3 beers and I start to enter the intoxication stage) but comparable to coke in intensity while it lasts--even still an altogether different buzz. 'In vino Veritas!'

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52650
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2017Views: 1,559
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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