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MDMA & Supplement Loading Protocol
Ecstasy, 5-HTP, Caclium & Magnesium
by HR
Citation:   HR. "MDMA & Supplement Loading Protocol: An Experience with Ecstasy, 5-HTP, Caclium & Magnesium (exp5341)". Feb 23, 2001.

MDMA Protocol

Night prior (8-12 hours prior to ingestion): 1 Prozac, 20mg

Morning on waking: 4-5 Cal-Mg tablets. (Must be CHELATE: Not Dolomite or
Oyster Shell) and 50 - 100mg 5-HTP

Ingestion: 2-3 Cal-Mg tablets

Booster: 2-3 Cal-Mg tablets. 50 - 100 mg 5-HTP

4hrs after Ingestion: 1 Prozac, 20mg


Cal-Mg is best absorbed as Chelate. Takes 8 hours for Carbonate (Dolomite).
Total dose is about 2 RDAs, not very much. Eliminates Jaw Chattering. Also
note, that the Jaw is the primal expressive organ for all chordates, and
serotonin very applicable. Full leeches given serotonin then double their
blood load. Knowing this paradoxically lessens jaw problems, part of psych
prep for new users (sez my foaf).

Prozac reduces tendency to clench and grind jaw. Considerably molllifies
the wiped out feeling for the day after. Have no reports re other SSRIs
such as Zoloft.

5-HTP lenghens the return time, much smoother and lasts longer. Seems to
allow learning to be absorbed better.

Note that side effects curve is steep, try 20mg less and you may have much
less of them.

PS. This protocol is very effective and known to work well.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5341
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2001Views: 61,719
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MDMA (3), Tryptophan (138) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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