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Fooled into Believing I Was High
Red Rock Opium
Citation:   Applerod. "Fooled into Believing I Was High: An Experience with Red Rock Opium (exp5356)". Feb 24, 2001.

1.0 g smoked Red Rock (powder / crystals)
I received a telephone call from a friend of mine who was coming into town, wherein he said he had low-grade opium. Needless to say, after having smoked very potent and pure opium several times before, and getting incredibly high, I was very excited. He brought over 2 grams, and I bought 1 for $25, and another for a friend. I examined it, and although it was much drier and crumbly than the other stuff I'd had, it had a similar color, and no conspicuous odor (unburnt). He informed me that it was called 'Red Rock' opium, which I'd hear of before, but didn't know anything about.

I broke it up, mixed it with tobacco, and proceeded to take about 30-40 deep, sustained inhalations from a glass pipe. I remember thinking and saying several times that it smelled like incense. At that point, I thought I was a little buzzed. In retrospect, it was probably more the pot resin from my pipe, although I definitely felt a bit of a head rush. I proceeded to another friends house, where I took a lot more, along with a little nitrous, alcohol, and cocaine. I was convinced that I was a bit high on opium, and it was just very low-grade. I drove back home, decided to do some research about opium on the net, and arrived at the Erowid opiates page.

You can imagine my shock and extreme anger at discovering a page entirely dedicated to proving that the so called 'Red-Rock opium' is nothing more than incense. At this point I realized that I probably placebo-fooled myself into really believing I was high, and if I hadn't read that section, I'd probably still think I was. Do not buy Red Rock opium, you might as well smoke nutmeg and banana peels. :(

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5356
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2001Views: 13,638
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Red Rock (156) : Various (28), What Was in That? (26), First Times (2)

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