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Easy Listening to Hard Music
Citation:   Gleemonex. "Easy Listening to Hard Music: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp5364)". Feb 26, 2001.

13 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
2PM The goal was to take 10mg but ended up with 12 or 13 (too nervous sipping form the vial, I'm afraid.) My partner finished the other 17 or 18.

2:43 I feel cold and chills though the house is warm, and have since ingesting but that could simply be my nervousness which is acute when trying new substances. I notice my typing abilities are becoming strained.

2:51 If I focus I can certainly feel the effects coming on quite strongly now.

2:57 Like a little roller coaster.... here I go again....that was quite strong.

3:10 Here comes another one though not as bad as my partner is here now and that has taken my mind off it. We've both got the 'Yawnies'.

I am aware of a bad/strange taste in my mouth. Must brush my teeth.

3:25 A cold, sharp ramp right now.

3:40 Time is disappearing. Strange to think it's +1:40 into this... Where has the time gone!?

Fully on somewhere around here. Typical rampup like Gleemonex (my nickname for 2cb)

4:20 Mendelhesson, 'Violin Concerto', NY Philharmonic (Bernstein) Pinkus Zuckerman, the 'schmaltzman' himself on violin. He's a very emotional player but the 2ct2 allows me to hear the notes being played without the emotion and I can conectrate on the abilities of the player to master the material. A very exacting listen to this wonderful piece. The music is transparent. One can hear all the parts at the same time.

Bernstein's 'Overture' from Candide and was at ease in these complicated, comedic, jazzy and dancing rhythms as with the Mendlessohn's schmaltz.

Finding just a hint of my nose running. This phen seems to be clearing out my sinuses as the gleemonex does. If there's a legal use for these babies it's as a sinus declogger.

5:48 Edgar Varese's 'Arcana',
Schoenberg Opus 24 'Serenade',
Stravinksy, 'Patsoral and Ebony Concerto'

7:05 Bach's 'Brandenberg Concerto' #6 Allegro,
Ravel's 'Daphne and Chloe' and we've had enough.

8:49 Had dinner, soup, salad and rolls, but it was too much, even at that. Wasn't very hungry from the ordeal. Now I'm overheated and warm which was quite a difference from 7 hours ago. My muscles ache too. I've taken a couple ibuprofins that seem to have taken the edge off. A friend suggests a beer.

9:00 Finished editing the log.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2001Views: 5,821
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), General (1)

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