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That Was Weird
Citation:   Skizzy. "That Was Weird: An Experience with TMA-6 (exp53688)". Jun 8, 2006.

  insufflated TMA-6 (powder / crystals)
Filled the cap of the vile with about 30-40mg of the white crystals and snorted it back. after only a few minutes I could already feel a warmth flowing over my body in waves with a bit of a tingly feel in my arms. Mild, but there.

About 10-15 minutes the effects were becoming more apparent. Tracers began lining my sight every time I looked around, my sight was altered in a way I can't exactly explain, but it was almost like parts of my vision were just poping out at me. Mentally I was still coherent but felt slow. Much of what was happening seemed to take longer to process (took awhile to make sense of things or understand things but never really confused).

The tingly sensation had grown stronger, the mental sluggishness had increased, and some very weak pattern distortions could be seen once in awhile. A friend more experienced with drugs compared it to a dissociate like feeling.

Afterwards the effects seemed to remain pretty much where they were. Lots of tracers, body tingling, slow thoughts, texture felt interesting, and my vision continued to have a strange jumping foccus but still seeing everything around it type of effect. After 2 hours all the was really left was a tired sluggish braindead feeling. Kind of like being very stoned.

Overall the experience was weird. Interesting and weird. While I was able to give a description of the effects, they feel somewhat 'hidden' and are hard to really notice as individual effects. The way it makes me stare off at something and slows my thoughts can only really be described as putting my brain on screensaver.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53688
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2006Views: 11,996
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TMA-6 (270) : General (1), Alone (16)

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