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A Hefty Dose
Citation:   Kodos. "A Hefty Dose: An Experience with DPT (exp5375)". Feb 26, 2001.

  insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
T+0 - opened 2 x 65mg gelcaps (from previous measurements) and cut up 4 lines on a mirror. Use of the traditional $20 note ... and away we go. It neither burns nor smells too bad, though (+2-3 min) there's kinda an ooky post-nasal drip, but it doesn't smell that bad, and doesn't taste nasty -- just feels like a bogie that won't go (I don't normally snort things, so this is an unusual route for me). I ate a little earlier in the day (couple of light waffles for a late breakfast), that was about 5 hours ago.

T+:05 - post-nasal drip tastes a little more nasty, kinda plastickey. Urgh, yuck.

T+:30 - starting to get trailers, and a spacey feeling. Normal
tryptamine alerts are present, too. Stomach feels a little tight, and I'm glad I didn't eat after breakfast.

T+:45 - at this point, I had to go lie down. Music was playing in the background (swing, I think) and the effect and power of it was such as to transport me to a completely different place. I don't remember clearly, but it was bright -- impressions of a white sand beach, clear blue water, and trees (physically, I'm in San Francisco in late winter).

T+1:00 - full-blown psychedelic spin-o-rama. I'm normally a hardhead
when it comes to visuals, not getting many at all, but this compound has certainly opened a door for me. Everything looks colour-ghosted, as if my eyes had separated red, green, and blue by a few degrees. I feel very cold, though my sitter tells me that my temperature is normal. Climbing into bed eventually makes me feel warm, though I want the human company as well -- I don't feel afraid, just needy. When I close my eyes and listen to the music, I just get completely blown away; normal reality simply isn't there any more, and my mind spins away into whatever reality the DPT has opened up for me, though I can't now remember exactly what. With eyes open, conversation is easy with a measured voice and no trouble cognating, though keeping my thoughts on one subject is tricky. When I get up to walk around a little, I feel kind of shaky, though that may well be because I simply can't see clearly through the trails and colour banding.

T+2:00 - I'm starting to re-emerge into normal reality; sitting on the couch watching a movie is easy, though there's no special insight or extra amusement or depth to the movie (this may be because it's the South Park movie -- which I find funny normally, but no more so at the moment).

T+3:00 - completely baseline. The only after-effects are the normal tryptamine stomach gurgles and a little gas, but it's pretty mild.
Possibly this is because of the route of administration -- oral doses may have a greater digestive impact.

Overall, I like this compound; it bears more research, though probably at lower levels until I can more accurately determine its potential and capabilities.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5375
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2001Views: 12,570
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DPT (21) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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