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Way Too Intense
by Kane
Citation:   Kane. "Way Too Intense: An Experience with 2C-I (exp53801)". Mar 21, 2020.

2 capsls oral 2C-I (capsule)
I recently took two capsules of 2CI for the first time. Being pretty experienced with mushrooms I did not have any second thoughts about taking the pills. At first I must say I thought me and my friend were sold something fake because of the unbelievably long time it took for the drug to kick in (around 2.5-3 hrs) and the fact that the capsules barely looked like it had any powder in them (almost looked like only a residue on the edges of the pills). I guess it just took awhile for the capsules to breakdown and the 2ci to enter the bloodstream.

At first I felt good. I laughed uncontrollably as on shrooms. A body high similar to X was followed by mild visuals as with shrooms. Mainly sort of a crystal or kaleidoscope looking visual, trees would bend at the tops and other things would sort of run togetther and become hard to make out. My skin color looked kind of red or sunburnt but this is normal. I felt very satisfied as did my friend.

After a while the effects began to increase in intensity until I was fealing very uncomfortable and out of place. I almost felt I was on the edge of losing it and had to remind myself I was tripping out. I found it difficult to cope with reality. On shrooms when this happened, in the past, I could kind of talk myself back to a comfort level, but not with 2ci. My Heart rate increased a lot, muscles began to spasm and breathing became very heavy. The visuals had increased ten fold and the sound of TV and music was tremendously different. Conversation with my friend became nearly impossible because as I talked it was as if I was hearing myself say the words in my head before I spoke them so everything came out jumbled and incoherent. I almost felt lost and out of place with myself. The mental aspect of this trip was very, very hardcore. So much so I had to go to my room and ride out the rest of the trip by myself.

I think for sure I took too heavy a dosage, especially for my first time. The trip lasted about 6-7 hrs, not including onset time. Except for the first hour the experience felt very hardcore and tense, way more hard than any trip I have experienced on shrooms. As with any psychodelics, the dosage plays a pivotal roll in the outcome of the trip and I just took too much.

Next time I take 2ci I will definitely take a lesser dosage and prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Many of my friends have taken 2ci and had a great experience. I know this sounds scary but lots of people have had similar trips too this one with the many styles of psychodelics.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53801
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 951
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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