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Death In a Bottle
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Death In a Bottle: An Experience with Alcohol (exp53804)". Jun 24, 2006.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
During mid-February, I finally got the opportunity to drink. I had been smoking pot for about a year since then, and had always been curious about its liquid competitor. I know a lot of people who say drinking is very fun, but I could never seem to get anyone who could buy it for me. I was frustrated, but my sister K and her boyfriend B got some liquor, and invited me over for an evening of 'blasting.' I was excited for the event, and planned to have a great time.

Friday night, at 10:30, it began. After a few long hours of waiting for K and B to run seemingly countless errands, we began to drink. I started off with a beer. I drank it rather quickly, enjoying the flavor at first, but eventually coming to detest it by the time the bottle was reaching it's end. I polished it off, and then proceeded to the gallon of vodka in the kitchen. I mixed a medium-sized glass of 1/3 vodka and 2/3 cranberry juice together, and went back to the living room. We put on a DVD and I began to feel a bit like I had a headache as the glass disappeared.

I got more and more drunk with the minute. We all played a drinking game B called 'Asshole' as the movie played. I don't exactly remember the rules, and frankly, I'm surprised I could even manage to play it with all of the liquor in my stomach. I laughed at the TV, enjoying the humor. In the game, B had just won, and made a rule for the next round which basically said that whenever I drank, I first had to stand up, spin in a circle, and say, 'Boom-shaka-lacka-lacka.' I began finding this task to be increasingly difficult with each turn. I eventually just ended up spinning halfway around and mumbling 'Boom-shackaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...' and then shoving the rim of my glass to my lips. I didn't like this rule, but was having too good of a time to let it bother me.

I had about seven glasses of the rather disgusting mixture of cranberry juice and vodka. I still don't know why this is such a popular mix, to me, it just tastes like fruit and rubbing alcohol. I ate a microwave burrito, and then some ice cream, enjoying the flavor. I poured one more glass of only vodka, which was probably a mistake, and I then asked B if I could borrow some of his batteries so I could listen to my portable CD player. He told me his batteries were out in his car, so I stumbled my way out to the car and grabbed them. I laid back down on the couch and put on some music as K and B watched another movie. I closed my eyes for quite some time, and when I finally opened them again, B and K were gone from the living room, and the lights were off. I was confused, but let it pass, and closed my eyes again.

All the fun I had that night was about to go down the toilet. Literally. As the music played on, I began to have a feeling reminiscent to that of going down the drop on a roller coaster. I was enjoying it at first, but gradually, that pleasant feeling began creating nausea in my stomach. I was feeling more and more sick with each passing second, and began to feel horrible. I stumbled my way to the bathroom, and the whole way I didn't feel my feet touching the floor. It was as if I was hovering above the ground. I vomited several times, and then went back to the couch.

Two minutes later, I found myself back in the bathroom, doing the same thing. I was feeling like hell had came into my stomach, and the only thing I could do was to sit and wait. I puked countless times, and was drifting back and forth between the bathroom and the couch for approximately two hours. Somewhere towards the end, B woke up and came out in the living room. He got a glass of warm water, added just a small bit of salt, and told me to drink it, saying the salt would absorb some of the alcohol and the water would help it pass through, or something like that. I don't exactly remember, but I drank it. Water was running all over my face due to my lack of coordination. I vomited one final time, and came back to the couch.

I don't remember falling asleep, but rather, I seemed to just seamlessly transition into a dreaming state. I had strange, vivid dreams. I saw the darkened night sky, and in the center, there was a giant star with black eyes, spinning slowly. It was incredibly peaceful and beautiful, and I marveled.

The next day, my stomach felt unsettled. I didn't have the trademark pounding headache or lack of energy that marks a typical hangover, but my stomach felt as though it couldn't handle much of anything. I'm a pretty regular smoker, but oddly, I had absolutely no desire for a cigarette whatsoever. I went home a few hours after waking up. B gave me some milk, which helped to coat my stomach and mask the nausea I was still feeling for a short time. I drank milk repeatedly throughout the day.

All in all, I don't like drinking. The buzz, although somewhat satisfying, is a disappointment to me. All I really got out of it was being disoriented and stupider, which is about the exact opposite of what I like a psychoactive experience to be. I'm more for mushrooms and pot, but not alcohol. I've been told that everyone's first experience is horrible, so I have to wonder why so many people do it. I simply don't want to go through the misery of that experience again to develop enough of a tolerance to only get the primary effects, which I don't even care for. I learned that night that I do not want to drink another drop in my life. I hate alcohol.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53804
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2006Views: 24,240
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Alcohol (61), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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