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Stuck In My Head Unable To Follow Conversations
Citation:   Jack/ClassbHero. "Stuck In My Head Unable To Follow Conversations: An Experience with AMT (exp54201)". Jan 21, 2018.

12.5 mg smoked AMT (freebase)
  33 mg oral AMT  
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
AMT 24th June 06

This time my experience was pretty hard. It was great to begin with but then I started smoking pot as well as meeting new people and it really messed with my head, I ended up pretty stuck inside my head and it was really difficult to follow conversations. This time the smoking pot (which I have had previous difficulties with) totally ruined the second half of my night! I’m laying off that shit from now on. One note: it’s a pointless waste to smoke some of the freebase or it seemed so anyway… I smoked like 10-15mg freebase and nothing happened so I ate about 33mg of the shit and smoked a mad number of bongs! What a waste.

T+ 30m: I’ve started to feel a little different and my stomach is feeling a little tight and my throat is feeling a little odd but nothing very significant.

T+ 1h: I’ve started shaking and sweating quite a lot, a buzz is forming in my entire body and its feeling really good and getting stronger until suddenly it breaks off and I’m left with a very fluid feeling body.

T+2h: My vision is starting to become affected its nothing major really just a ripple in a tree over there and then the clouds swirling slightly. My friend B is sick a couple of times and comments that it was done with little discomfort. I have had very little nausea and am not sick throughout the entire experience.

T+5h: Another friend D comes over and doses. While I’m having a conversation with D about how little the visuals seem to be coming on B comments that everything is going extremely visual. D leaves to take some doses to some other friends and as B shows him out I notice the visuals are defiantly stepping up. I think this is because my mind isn’t concentrating on anything. A giggling fit ensues. Visuals included spinning vortexes, 3D boxes popping out of the walls, the door turned into a speaker, B grew huge angel wings etc. Me and B both comment how great the visuals are going with the music (some hardcore dance, at points I could see the music, awesome). The visuals are greatly accentuated by smoking a few bongs and spliffs slowly from this point onwards. Neither B nor me have experienced any paranoia as sometimes appear when using psycadelics. AMT seems to be a very easy ride nice and calm and there is no rush to experience everything quickly as there can be with ecstasy etc. I have noticed I cannot really make much conversation now although I think I’m going to blame the cannabis for that trick.

T+10: The visuals are dyeing off a little now although they are still apparent. It’s now 6 in the morning and its time to try and get some rest. The only problem is that I cannot lay still and my muscles are very tense. B does not have this problem. Looking ,back I probably should of gone for a walk or done some stretches but didn’t think about it. I must have fallen asleep as I’m woken up by B at about 12 in the afternoon.

T+16: The visuals are still around but much less vivid or active. We go for a longish walk in the sunshine in the woods and work out any residual muscle tension. A few cups of hot tea soothe my jaw. The drug effect can be felt for many hours after this point but not very strongly. I sleep through from 7 that evening to 12 the next day and wake feeling refreshed. Also appetite does not seem to be suppressed by AMT and eating can be quite enjoyable as taste bud sensitivity is heightened. This is defiantly a substance I would like to experience again. I will try and set aside a couple of days for this extremely long experience as it can be hard to concentrate the day after.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54201
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2018Views: 1,090
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AMT (7) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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