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I Remember Very Little
Trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
Citation:   LegallyPrescribed. "I Remember Very Little: An Experience with Trihexyphenidyl (Artane) (exp54408)". Apr 16, 2016.

8 mg oral Trihexyphenidyl (pill / tablet)
I'd been searching for info on this med, as it had been prescribed to me with no warning labels. The first time I took it (only 2 mgs!) I got into my car and was talking to a friend on the phone. My destination was my boyfriend's restaurant which was a straight drive from my house no turns to worry about...yet suddenly I was confused, high, disoriented, had no idea if I'd passed the restaurant or not, or where I even was. It was hard to drive since it seemed like my car was huge and couldn't fit between the lines. Like I said before had had NO warning that I shouldn't drive on the stuff.

After my boyfriend closed his restaurant I got lost on my way to his house although I'd driven it many times before. Then I got lost on my way home (another straight shot, only 2 turns took me hours to find my house though) So I decided to look up this stuff...and could find nothing...all that was listed is that it's the most popular drug in Iraq. So I decided to do a trial...I really can't tell you much though, because I don't remember much of that night although I came away with a broken tail bone and a shortcircuiting laptop (I apparently spilled something on it)

My 'official' notes read:

T: 3am 8mg Artane
T: 3:10 Nothing happening wide awake
T: 3:30 getting slightly foggy headed and tired...slightly 'out of sorts' and a little high in a pleasant way. Going to take 2 more mgs
T 3:52 I'm viuals but have troube typing

T 4:A (who can read clocks? They blend intothe daze) Absolutely high...OMG this is amazing! I cant hardly tpethough. I'm blasted, undescribable...I'm SO f-ed up..happy...feelgood!

T ?:? God only knows whattime it is...Ifive up I'm otutta here! IAadvise trythis stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

T screw reportgin I give up..

I awoke the next morning with a broken tailbone...OUCH! In the morning I remembered nothing, not even that I'd tried to write this report...however I kept e-mailing myself up to the minute reports which I copied above. Weeks later I remember having fun..feeling almost drunk...telling my dog my deepest darkest secrets while giggling because I knew she couldn't tell anyone even though 'I KNEW' she wanted to. I also remember vaguely having a blast.

How suggestible I might have been....I have no idea...I simply don't remember much of the night. Would I recommend it? If you'd like to escape the world and are in a safe situation yes. NEVER EVER take this around people you don't know well and trust though, and don't expect to remember what you did in the morning. It can/will cause amnesia.

Also note I am more sensitive to most drugs than most people are (the only exception being muscle relaxers in the lorazepam/valium class). Reaction time after taking these orally is less than 30 minutes with my metabolism.

(disclaimer: note for the nice law enforcement agent reading this: this drug was prescribed to me and obtained legally...because I'm 'fortunate' enough to have multiple sclerosis, so nothing in my home is illegal...although most of my prescriptions are for controlled substances )

It does cause amnesia...from my notes this was very fun...however I remember very little.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54408
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2016Views: 5,097
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Trihexyphenidyl (584) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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