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Nasty Headache Among Other Things
MDMA, Bupropion, Modafinil & Poppies - Opium
Citation:   willywonka. "Nasty Headache Among Other Things: An Experience with MDMA, Bupropion, Modafinil & Poppies - Opium (exp54463)". Sep 19, 2006.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (pill / tablet)
  T+ 13:00   oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
  T+ 14:00 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 16:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 17:30   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 18:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 18:30 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 21:00 50 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (pill / tablet)
  T+ 23:00 150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (pill / tablet)
I suspect that I have undiagnosed ADD and I've been experimenting with Modafinil and Bupropion XR as an aid for concentration at work. On the whole it is a very useful combo for me as it keeps up my concentration levels, prevents afternoon tiredness and helps my short term memory and cognitive ability. I am an experienced user of MDMA but I had never tried it together with these meds. Prior to this experience I had been taking 1x200mg modafinil (am) and 2x150mg Bupropion XR (am and pm) daily for about 2 weeks. The following MDMA experience was not pleasant and I would advise caution in combining these drugs.

7.00am: 200mg modafinil (generic) + 150mg Bupropion XR (generic)
Do a full day's work. Felt alert, healthy and I get a lot done.

8.00pm: Arrive home, brew up some poppy tea. I'm an experienced user of poppies and I took just enough to give me slight relaxation in time for the evening (5g crushed giganteum heads extracted in 250ml water with lemon juice). I eat a light meal of vegetables and rice.

9.00pm: Gentle body buzz and feeling of contentment. Slightly dry mouth. Have a cigarette (a foul habit - I really must give up).

11.00pm Go out to a club - there's a big party with indoor and outdoor sections - perfect for comfort and temerature! Really good music and the atmosphere is banging. I eat one MDMA pill (unknown strength, but others at the same party are taking the same ones and they seem happy with them).

12.00am I can feel the effects slightly, but not as strongly as usual. Usually I detect the speedy edge after about 15 minutes and the empathic rushes about 30 minutes later. But here there's none of the desirable effects right now, just a slight feeling of being 'different'. No undesirable physical symptoms but rather a feeling of mild contentment combined with slight boredom. Inhibitions slightly reduced, I talk to some strangers. Unusually for me, I have no desire to dance.

12.30am Have one balloon of nitrous and jump up and down on the dancefloor like a maniac for 30 seconds. Quickly return to normal and spend the next hour sitting down and watching the world go by.

1.00am Start wondering if the MDMA pill was weak, so I have another. This second one is from a batch I have used previously and I know to be quite strong.

1.30am I should really be rolling by now but I'm not - so I have a third. [In hindsight, this was rash - I normally don't have more than 2 in an evening and I have never ever had more than 3. Given the possible drug interactions I sholud have called it a day at this point, but I guess my decision making was a bit impaired.]

2.00am Much stronger feeling of being 'messed up', but very little of the pleasant MDMA feelings. Walking and balance is fine, but conversation is slowed - equivalent to about 3 or 4 beers. Slight headache - feels like pressure around the back and the sides. Amazingly for this high dose of MDMA, I have no jaw clenching and no dilated pupils.

3.00am Coordination a bit messed up: I find it difficult to roll a cigarette. Conversation still possible, but the headache is bad enough that I think about going home. Still no desire to dance.

3.30am Sudden and unexpected nausea - I make it to the toilets just in time! Vomit twice, then feel a little better. Headache now much worse. Time to abort.

4.00am Make it home, and go straight to bed with some quiet music in the background. I take a multivitamin, 50mg 5-HTP, two asprin and a glass of water before drifting off into a slightly unpleasant non-sleep. Unusually for me, absolutely no jaw clenching but my headache is nasty - it feels like my brain is about to explode.

6.00am I'm suddenly aware that I'm awake, but I feel completely stoned. Go to the toilet, then for some reason I decide that it's time for my daily 150mg Bupropion XR. Aagh - stupid decision! I swallow it and about 10 minutes later it slowly dawns on me that it might not have been the wisest thing to do. Very dry mouth, headache and complete inability to think.

7.00am I can't sleep and I notice that I have a really high pulse rate (~130 bpm). I suspect that my blood pressure is high too as I can see veins in my temples and I can hear my pulse in my ears. The headache is still bad but the nausea has gone.

1.00pm Feeling a bit more normal so I get up, have a shower and do a bit of shopping.

7.00pm Feeling a little MDMA afterglow - this is actually the best part of the experience so far! Still feeling a bit 'out of it' though, I wouldn't want to go to work like this.

1.00am I go to bed and sleep quite well.

The following day I felt a bit stoned and apathetic but the day after I was 100% back to normal. In summary, the whole experience was nasty - and I think that it could have escalated into something serious given slightly higher dosage. The worsening that occured when I took Bupropion at 6.00am suggests that the adverse reaction was largely due to an interaction of MDMA with Bupropion? I would avoid this combination.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 19, 2006Views: 20,624
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MDMA (3), Pharms - Bupropion (87), Modafinil (217) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Combinations (3)

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