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by Luke
Citation:   Luke. "Addicting: An Experience with DXM (exp54480)". Dec 31, 2007.

  oral DXM (daily)
I used to be a regular junior high kid. Never did drugs until my freshman year. Tried pot, drank some, then started smoking a LOT of pot until it took over my life and I had to quit it. I had to find a substance that wouldn't show up on UA's. Somehow I found out about DXM in early march. I tried it, loved it, didn't throw up. I started doing it every night. Increased doses each time, until I was in the hospital with a bad liver. Psych. ward, outpatient rehab. Stayed clean for a bit, then started doing it again. It led to a 2 week binge of non stop use which led to inpatient rehab.

I became very interested in being sober, tried my hardest to be clean. Over achieved, basically worked the program. After 6 weeks, I was out. I relapsed the next day with a small dose. Life sucked, so I kept using every day, 3-5 times a day, lying about my use. Lasted for 3 weeks, until I started dramamine. DXM and dramamine make a good mix. So I got kicked out of my house and kept dexing, everyday, much more than I did before rehab. I've been taking doses of up to 1500mg a day lately. 4th plateau trips are scary, but every evening I need to get fucked up. I need dxm to be normal, withdrawals are sever, I just don't wanna stay clean because it sucks.

All my friends say that I should lay off the pills, and stick to pot and alcohol, but I still keep using. My liver is probably getting its ass kicked every single day. This addiction is ridiculous. Empty bottles all over my hometown, in my backpack, at work, it's insane. DXM's grip is too tight. It makes life seem pointless and stupid.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2007Views: 13,977
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DXM (22) : Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Multi-Day Experience (13), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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