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Friends and a Completely Different Feeling
by Ben
Citation:   Ben. "Friends and a Completely Different Feeling: An Experience with Methylone (exp54675)". Aug 16, 2006.

T+ 0:00
120 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 50 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 50 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
T+0:00 – I was at my house with two other friends, one of them was dosing with me and the other one was to remain sober. I insufflated 120mg of MDMC, there is an intense burning sensation and my nose feels like it is being dried out. We walk to a nearby park.

T+0:10 – Things are starting to seem strange, I generally feel pleasant, there is an interesting body feeling that is unlike anything else I have ever experienced sort of a tingly pressure, this feeling seems to be localized around my muscles, especially in my head, and walking is becoming more fluid, everything just seems to flow perfectly. At this point there is no noticeable stimulation, pupil dilation, empathy, or euphoria present, it is anti-depressant, that is really the best way to describe the feeling.

T+0:25 – We decide to do 50mg more each, At this point there is a strong sense of well being but I don’t think it can really be defined as a classic feeling of euphoria, it seems much more natural and less forceful, the experience is very gentle, I don’t feel jacked up like I would on an amphetamine, there is some jaw clenching at this point, increase in body temperature, and heart rate.

T+0:40 – At this point everything is perfect, there is an extreme sense of peace, again this is not classical euphoria where it feels almost artificial and it lacks almost any stimulation, this is a ‘real’ feeling and it has depth to it, there is little stimulation but it is there, I find myself moving around but I am also completely comfortable to sit down, this is not extremely social as in I do not feel a strong desire to talk but I can be social if I want to and I am enjoying just being around my friends. We relax in a park and talk for some time.

T+1:00 – Again we decided to take an additional 50mg, the pain in my nose is almost unbearable, but this doesn’t seem to last long, and today my nose is fine, it was never runny. The body buzz has increased, there is a strong sense of pressure and warmth on my muscles, I feel light and fluid, everything is at peace. I am not being forced to do anything, I do not feel jacked up in anyway, I could lie down if I wanted, and conversely I could dance all night.

It is important to understand that I do not feel euphoric in the classical sense, it is almost like an extreme antidepressant effect, I do not feel particularly good, but at the same time I can’t imagine ever feeling bad about anything or uncomfortable in anyway, it is very pleasant. I am becoming empathetic, and have to try to resist the desire to tell my friends how much they mean to me. I also find myself continuously sighing with pleasure, it is a release, I just feel relaxed and at peace and a sigh is the best way to express this.

T+2:00 – The effects have remained the same up until this point and are now gently coming down, this is very relaxing, and not like a ‘crash’ but then I wasn’t really ‘up’ in the first place. My mouth starts to dry out and I become thirsty.

T+4:00 – My friends leave, effects still tapering off slowly and gently.

T+5:00 – I lie in bed for almost 2 hours, I can’t sleep, but I am not uncomfortable in any way, I just close my eyes and think, it is very relaxing, this substance does not seem to be very physically stimulating at all but I do notice my thoughts starting to wander, I am experiencing some diuretic effect and my jaw muscles want to tighten, but it is easy to resist the temptation to clench them.

Aftereffects: I still don’t know if I have actually slept, I just sort of lay in bed all night with my eyes closed perfectly still, of course this wasn’t at all uncomfortable, and I don’t feel tired now, but I am sure that will change.

Reflecting on the experience I think it was completely worth it, although a bit bizarre, the experience is portable and I feel like I was able to take something away from it, it is interesting looking back how strong this stuff is at the time it just felt so natural that it was hard to tell how far gone I was from baseline. I have also noticed that I needed to consume a lot of water, and I imagine I would have become very dehydrated if I wasn’t conscious of this.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2006Views: 31,971
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