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The 'Infinite' Trip
by D
Citation:   D. "The 'Infinite' Trip: An Experience with DPT (exp55257)". Jan 11, 2007.

40 mg IV DPT (liquid)
I started this experiment as a way to see if there could trully be a 'business mans' trip. I am attempting to trip in the morning and then be able to go about my business later in the afternoon.

I prepared my injection by weighing out 100mg of DPT. I then dissolved it into 100ml of water so I could measure out a pretty acurate dose in 10mg increments. I had never done DPT before so I first tried 10mg and got pretty much no effect from it. So I decided to try again with a higer dose. I would not recommend anyone doing this for the fisrt time to inject 40mg of DPT. It is quite scary.

Anyway, I woke up and decided I felt like trying out the new chemical I had received called DPT. I injected the solution at approximately (7:30am EST. )---- not sure what that means at this point but for the purposes of this document legs begin here.

T + 0.00 = I decide to inject 40mg of DPT IV. The effects are immediate and quite crazy! At first I was trying to figure out how to put away the needle. By the time I figured it out I was trippin pretty hard. I decided to go lay down on the couch. This is when I started to leave the earthly realm. I experienced myself as if I was an infinite being. Imagine the image you see when you look into two mirrors that are parallel to each other. This is how I saw myself and also how I 'saw' my surroundings. I saw all possible futures for myself in an instant. I saw one possible outcome of me dying, another of me being hospitalized, another of me writing this report! It was almost impossible to sort out the multitude of information that was barraging my mind. It was truly like being thrusted into the peak of a peak of a peak of a super hard LSD trip. Can the peak of a trip be fractal in nature? Makes sense to me, I think everything is based on the infiniteness of fractals. Anyway it would be impossible for me to explain all that happened in the next 15 minutes because it would take billions of years to write.

T + 15.00min = I am starting to come back to 'reality' a little, still trying to sort out the events that just transpired. I also came to the realization that I was ok and still alive. Visuals are pretty nice I see extreme trails and fractal patterns everywhere. There are patterns on patterns even in thin air. Everything looks as if it is being dissolved. This is a period of realization.

T + 30.00min = I am still tripping pretty hard but nothing compared to a short while ago. I decide to get up and write this report. My report is about 35 minutes behind actual reality? That's one for the record books! I am not quite sure how long I am going to be tripping for since I never did DPT before.

T + 1.00hr = The two threads of time and space have finally formed into a single string. My story is now taking place in the present and so both realities are now intact. I am rapidly coming down but at a comfortable pace. It will probably be another hour or two before I feel truly 'normal' and able to go about my day. It is still very early in the morning only about 8:40AM. I still have mild visual and tactile hallucinations going on but nothing much really. My mind feels somewhat refreshed, like I have been reborn in a sense. I have to say that while I have had a truly amazing and unique experience today that I still have not found a substance that amazes me quite as much as LSD, but that is for another report!

All in all I have to say this was a pretty good experience. I do recall feelings of terror in the begining but after about 10 minutes I accepted how I felt and dealt with it. I would say it was quite an extreme high in the beginning, I was rocketed into a +4 trip immediatly whether I liked it or not. I recall my thoughts racing as I accelerated into another world. I can't remember much of what happened in those 15 or so minutes and what I can remember truly defies explanation. I would only recommend this drug in this form to experienced psychonauts and even to them I heed caution. Well this concludes my trip report, thank your for reading and have a pleasent day!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55257
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 19,882
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DPT (21) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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