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Lucid Dreaming
Casimiroa edulis
by Lamm
Citation:   Lamm. "Lucid Dreaming: An Experience with Casimiroa edulis (exp55376)". Aug 8, 2007.

1.1 g oral Casimiroa edulis (seeds)
Age of subject 48 in good health and does weight training and running regularly.
I have had many times over several years episodes of what is called sleep paralysis, and I usually wake up scared, as if someone was 'trying to get inside me', and it gets hard to fall asleep again. Any way, I was staying at an hotel one day - I travel a lot because of my work - and I had with me some capsules with zapote blanco seed powder, and I took one before going to sleep. This plant is known as sleep inducing, however, it should be noted that the leaves are not as potent as the seeds, and they should be fresh and just steeped in hot water, not boiled.

I had previously dried some seeds for 3 or 4 weeks at room temperature, and after they had dried, I peeled, ground, and encapsulated 1.1 grams per capsule. I checked my blood pressure before ingesting, it was 115-70, and in 45 minutes my blood pressure was down to 105-61. After that, I laid to sleep.

After aproximately 3 to 4 hours later I began feeling that 'sleep paralysis' again, but somehow this time I tried semiconciously not to fight it but let it happen. I felt as if someone was gently caressing my forearm and hand, and I remember opening my eyes and suddenly watching a hand first, and then an arm 'materialize', and almost immediately a woman appeared and I began to have a conversation with her. Then later two kids appeared -a boy and a girl- and I also had a few words with them. All that happened seemed as if I was awake. The experience was not scary in any way, and somehow I 'knew' that these people were dead. After roaming around the hotel for what seemed several minutes, then later I was in bed and a naked woman -another one- got in there with me and we just talked for a while and then I woke up feeling calm and relaxed, and I was able to sleep again easily and woke up in the morning feeling good. I had tried calea zacatechichi sometimes before with no remarkable dreams, just more vivid.

The next morning I asked a staffer of the hotel, whom had worked there for several years, if he knew of anyone that had died in or near the hotel. I found out that 2 or 3 years back a family with two kids had died in a crash with a large truck half a block from there. ¿were they the ones I saw?

I have tried also another plant which seems to have mind altering effects, called cedrón (simaba cedron), also the seeds are used, and it has among others, a very potent analgesic effect. In regard to chicalote, which I have also tried, is better to smoke the seed-pods.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55376
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2007Views: 12,909
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Casimiroa edulis (427) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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