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Remembering the Finer Points
Citation:   Chatterbox. "Remembering the Finer Points: An Experience with Piracetam (exp55497)". Jan 17, 2007.

  oral Piracetam (daily)
I started using Piracetam about 2 months ago and have noticed positive effects.
I started with an “ Attack Dose “ of 4800mg (6 caps) for the first 3 days then dropped back to 2400mg in 3 divided doses during the day. At first I felt nothing but it was about a week into my usage I went to the doctor and when asked for my health care card I reeled off the 10 digit number off the top of my head – something I could not usually do. This surprised me so I thought of my licence number ( which I previously didn’t look at all that much ) and remembered it, I checked my licence and I was correct. My car rego number – didn’t know it previously but could recall it now, I checked and again I was right.

I want to stress that piracetam is not an “Instant Einstein” pill, but they do, in my experience, have positive effects on memory and strangely vocabulary.

I tried taking 2400mg (3caps) in the morning and 2 at lunch and another 2 in the late afternoon for a week and noticed the emotionless spock type feeling others have experienced. Also at this dose I couldn’t remember things well. For example, at work I would be told there would be a discharge in room 16c, 2 minutes later I would have to check again which room because I forgot. Went back to 2800mg 2-3 times daily and this has stopped and I’m not so emotionless.

On another note I saw a report that piracetam does not decrease the effects of downers, opiates etc. I would definitely disagree. I use a cocktail of opiates, opioids and benzodiazepines Very regularly (almost daily) and have found if I take piracetam shortly before or any time after it does diminish the effects of these drugs greatly. On a positive note, if I start to get cold, clammy and sweaty because I’ve taken a couple too many trams or oxy’s etc I take some piracetam and within 30 minutes the feeling has gone, so has the high to a great extent : ( . Maybe there could be benefits for mild opiate/ opioid overdose with piracetam?

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2007Views: 23,891
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Piracetam (95) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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