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Perfect for Work
Citation:   Littlebird. "Perfect for Work: An Experience with Phentermine (exp55638)". Sep 23, 2007.

37.5 mg oral Pharms - Phentermine (pill / tablet)
I'm always curious to try different types of speed. I heard about phentermine from a friend of mine's mom who mentioned that it made her love cleaning the house. A little bell went off in my head: ding ding ding! Cleaning = speed.

I ordered a bottle of phentermine from an online pharmacy without a prescription. Pretty risky and maybe stupid, but I got my stuff nonetheless. I am experienced with coke, meth, E, Adderall, ephedrine, and of course stuff like caffeine and nicotine.

The very first day I took it, I didn't really expect anything. All I knew was that it was supposed to be effective in suppressing the appetite, so I made sure to eat like 6 bowls of lucky charms for breakfast, then left for the mall.

I lit up a cigarette in the car and noticed how much I was enjoying it. I was really upset when it was over and immediately lit another. I also began noticing how much I was getting into the music and I was pretty disappointed when the car ride was over because I had to turn off the song.

I didn't really notice much else until I started drinking some coffee. That's when I really started experiencing feelings of euphoria. I resumed chain-smoking again in the car ride home and proceeded to list off everything I loved at that very moment, for example my cigarette, the song that was on the radio, the restaurant we passed by, the lady in the red car next to us, etc. That's when I waved and smiled at the lady and my friend looked at me like I had gone completely insane. Point is, I was enjoying the hell out of myself. I loved everything and I wouldn't shut up. As for the appetite suppression, I ate like half of an apple that day, besides the lucky charms of course.

I continue to use phentermine, but to avoid building a tolerance I limit myself to only using it on days I have to be at work, because I have a job that allows me to earn tips. The more sociable and happy I am, the more money I make. So I like to start out my day with a pill washed down with a cup of coffee and a cigarette for dessert and I'm set.

In conclusion, I love it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55638
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2007Views: 28,441
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Pharms - Phentermine (248) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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