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Citation:   Xxxsss. "Madness: An Experience with DOI (exp55673)". Jan 18, 2008.

T+ 0:00
3.0 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
  T+ 1:00 5.5 mg oral DOI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 31:00 0.5 mg oral DOI (powder / crystals)
first off i am a 16 year old homeschool student with a pretty good drug history. i had dropped some e friday, rested saturday and on sunday a friend of mine got ahold of a good amount of doi, so we decided to get a group of people together at another friends house and drop alot of the substance.

8 pm 3 mg clonazepam taken

9 pm 5.5 mg DOI taken orally dissolved in water

10 pm body feels somewhat floaty.

12 am slight visuals start and slowly grow to the roof waving and lifting off the walls, tiles swirling, pretty much whatever i want something to see something do it can
WE PROCEED TRIP BALLS ALL NIGHT. There is a general confusion in talking between everyone.

The next day with noone having any sleep everybody skips the first day of school. A friends girlfriend freaks out and starts to bite her arms to the point they bleed. It was very scary and no one really knew how to handle her she was breaking down. While sitting in the house another trippin friend decided to stay away refered to as a 'crack house' which i somewhat agree it seemed like, i saw staring at the floor with all the confusion going on in the other room of people freaking out i somehow got into a horrible place in my head.

There was very negative vibes in my head so i sat outside and watched all the clouds swirl around and cleared my head. Everything got better and i was happy again. After the friend that was biting her arms finally went home to sleep her boyfriends trip never fully returned as he freaked himself out trying to calm her down. From there we took a shot or two of everclear that had had THC absorbed in it. It BURNED my stomach.

He, i and a very good friend proceeded to walk to the gas station where we bough a pack of blunts for a friend who rolled a j and smoked us up. I only took 2 hits. Then walked back to meet the friend who stayed away from the madhouse. He had taken the trip in a completely different way and seemed really tweaked out. It was funny and pretty trippy. He left and my friend who was in a bad place started to talk about bad vibes comming from me and my good friend. We dont have the best history but there was nothing bad between us then. After that we stupidly decided to confront him about something he had done to a friend and he broke down almost cying because he had lied to his best friend. We went back to his house, helped him clean up a little although the house was a mess from 7 or 8 people going crazy and tripping there with rolling on ecstasy 2 days before.

He had alot on his mind and so we left him be to think and sleep. Me, and 2 good friends decided to stay up all night and continue tripping at my house. 4 am took another .5 mg DOI even though we were still seeing crazy visuals. We left and went to check on our friend at his house. He was sleeping so we sat on his porch a little. Then again i got in a bad place and started to break down feeling very confused and sad. I went home, ate and then slept and now im writing this. This drug is for the very stable tripper. Not to be triffled with.

Serious crazy madness all through.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55673
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2008Views: 7,367
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DOI (259) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Relationships (44), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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