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I Loved It!
Citation:   Skyform. "I Loved It!: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp55733)". Erowid.org. Nov 14, 2020. erowid.org/exp/55733

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
This brief on an Ambien trip uses timestamps for reports of side effects and experiences.

A while ago smoked about 7 bowls and I am feeling pretty lethargic and blank because the high has worn off.
I acquired a couple Ambien and decided to give it a shot, I have heard and read good experiences with it, especially for cannabis users like myself. I am going to combine my Ambien with cannabis tonight to observe and report effects.

Note: I haven't eaten for several hours, and what I ate was small. I have lost my appetite because I have a small chest cold. So I'm a little burnt out / hungry / sick. I wonder if the high will be stronger? I have never tried Ambien before.

Night of...

12:38 AM - One 10mg dose of Ambien taken orally.

12:41 AM - Accidently hit my head on the ceiling fan... the Ambien hasn't even began working and already I'm acting loopy. haha

12:51 AM - The sensation of a human presence in the room is hard to shake, but I'm completely alone in my room, at 1:00 I will go outside and smoke a bowl of Cannabis.

12:59 AM - The 8 minutes to this moment seemed to go by fast, and slow at the same time...strange. I feel intense euphoria, and I'm having a little difficulty with short-term memory... its not that I can't remember 5 minutes ago... its that I don't really care and my brain doesn't seem to wanna process it.

1:00 AM - Proceeding to the porch to smoke a bowl.

1:13 AM - Feeling fantastic! Cannabis and Ambien are a perfect mix, I recommend it to any fan of psychedelics or downers.

1:22 AM - The drowsy effect is quickly kicking in... I have had a long and really annoying day, but I am euphoric from the Ambien high and I'm kind of drifting into a wonderland. While outside smoking the bowl of Cannabis a large refridgerator we have outside turned on, it seemed louder than before and when I looked at the fridge, it didn't register as the same old fridge I always see on the porch, it seemed unfamiliar or maybe just more elaborately detailed. Everything exposed to alot of light seems to have a warped depth to it. Wild.

1:25 AM - I'm drifting between drowsiness and excitable euphoria. At one instance I want to go outside and smoke a cigarette and walk around my backyard... the next I find myself heading for bed to pass out. I think I will explore the high before laying in bed, I feel heavy and if I lay down I probably won't even stand up to finish this experience.

2:11 AM - I got a little creative and did some music and had a few online conversations. I think I'll go to bed before I pass out at my keyboard.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55733
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2020Views: 787
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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