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I Love Weed... I Can't Help It... I Am a Pot Head
Citation:   supergirl. "I Love Weed... I Can't Help It... I Am a Pot Head: An Experience with Cannabis (exp55827)". Dec 15, 2022.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
Ever since I can remember marijuana has been part of my life. Growing up, it was not out of the ordinary to see family members smoking it, selling it or both. It was normal to see my aunts, uncles, older cousins, light up a joint or bowl as a young child at family gatherings and I never questioned it. In fact, alot of people dont believe me when I say this, but the first time I got stoned was when I was 9 years old, when my uncle and cousin smoked a bowl with me 'to see how I would act'.

Honestly, I've been smoking ever since........AND LOVING IT! My pot smokin reletives got a kick out of the fact I could roll a joint by the age of 10. I remember walking to school in the mornings when I was in 5th grade smoking a joint on the way before class. I didnt do it to be cool or popular, I did it because I loved it. Everything was more funny, interesting, besides pot wasnt bad like heroin and coke and 'the hard stuff' that ironically my same pot smokin family members swore against. (Except my crazy aunt sherry but thats a whole nother story) ''It wont hurt you, and you wont get addicted. You can quit whenever you want.''

Iam 27 years old and have been a hevey chronic smoker ever since. I passed my teenage years in the 1990's where rap songs preached about 'hits from the bong' and there were hemp ralies at the park. In high school I walked in class with my slanted red eyes like a badge of honor. I smoked all day everyday just as I continue to do so to this day. Marijuana is a very benifical herb that has many medicinal uses, and it is a more safer drug that heroin, crack, and I belive even alcohol.

But I do belive it is addicting. VERY. In fact I had a easier time quitting meth. I wake up needing a bowl, I am a bitch if I dont have weed.
I wake up needing a bowl, I am a bitch if I dont have weed.
I will do anything short of steal or prostitute myself for a bag of weed. I have a dependence on it like a crack head needs crack. I am not kidding. My therapist asked me if I could voluntarly not smoke for one day. Yeah right I told her. Not me.

Dont get me wrong. I am not weed bashing, shit I am going to smoke a bowl right now. It may not be like that for everyone, I know some who could take it or leave it , but I also know people like me, cant get up without it. I think alot of it has to do with my upbringing (which is why I do not smoke around my kids, nor would I tolerate anyone giving it to them at this time in there life) some things just are not meant for children, and thats one of them.

But then again I would not have an issue with them doing it at a more mature age (16-17) and they mantained there responsibilitys, but I dont know if I would ever feel confortable smoking with them.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55827
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Dec 15, 2022Views: 384
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Families (41), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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