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Jaggers, Strawberries and White Lightning
Citation:   Gomeztrombone. "Jaggers, Strawberries and White Lightning: An Experience with LSD (exp5621)". Jan 18, 2002.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This is not just one report, but a 'potted' history of my highs and lows of acid. Whether its valid or interesting or not, I don't know. . . . :)

I first had acid at a house party with a friend, although there were a number of people there that I did not know. The night started well, and I was happily sitting on the sofa believing that I was watching an episode of 'Neighbours' (a popular Australian sitcom) when I was, in fact, looking at a picture of horses above a fireplace :) This interesting experience I interspersed with holding a burning cigarette EXTREMELY close to my eyes because the tip looked like a glowing chandelier. The only real strange part of the night was my friend claiming that she was now scared of me (she was tripping too) and hiding behind another friend, all night. However, there was a nice room to sit it, with luminous stars on the ceiling. Everything was nice, and I sat and cuddled people. :)

Other experiences included talking to my friend about how everything was a question? This was at a festival here in England, and it was at this festival that I had my first strange (bad?) trip. Basically, I mixed it up too much, taking speed, Ecstasy and then 2 trips. I always have bad come downs on Speed, crying etc, and this was no different. However, this time the Acid gave visualisations to my depression from the coming down speed. Everyone was frightened because I wanted to 'replace their eyes with their teeth' This got to the extent that two of my friends later hid because they thought I was going to come and do something horrible to them. . . something which never crossed my mind.

This fear motif returned later, when I was at another house party. The 'owner' of the house was in his room (busily occupied making love) and drunken people were basically messing his house up, putting Coke in the dryer etc. I got it into my mind to actually stab my best friend. I had a knife, and he looked in my eyes and ran away, quickly. The thing was that I couldn't differentiate between right and wrong, actions and consequences. Within 5 minutes, the notion had passed, and I hugged him and he stroked my hair. (We are both heterosexual males, but not fazed by things like that).

Just to throw in some positive experiences, I remember laughing so hard because we all got leg jitters together when we all sitting down together. I remember kissing people and feeling like my kisses and my lips were shining. I remember feeling that I had tendrils coming out of my head, connecting to everyone elses head and passing love from me to everyone, and vice versa. A kind of 'Napster of Love'.

What stopped me taking acid was when I did some White Lightnings. Whilst on this, I couldn't sleep, when everyone else was falling asleep around me. I had talked so much I had lost my voice (a common occurrence for me). This time, however, my vision was shaking, as if I was rocking my head from side to side (I probably was). In an effort to calm myself down, my friend took me to have a few hits from a bucket, but that just made me feel worse. I could only think that I was going insane on the outside, but I was sane on the inside. To everyone else, I was as mad as a hatter, but I couldn't break through the wall with my internal sanity. Eventually, I managed to go to sleep, and when I awoke completely sane, I hugged everyone around :)

These were very isolated experiences, over two years of taking acid 3-5 times almost every week. My creativity (musical and/or otherwise) was greatly enhanced. Friends I made then I feel like I have a bond with that I could otherwise never have. The amount of times when I fell asleep feeling happier than ever far outweigh the bad times. If you're wavering about trying acid, I'd say try it in the best place you can. Remember Leary noting that you took your frame of mind into the trip, and it guided it. Surround yourself with friends, in an environment that is comfortable and familiar. It should be good. If it isn't don't do it again.

One more thing. . . . I don't know if this is particularly relevent for countries other than Britain, but I found that certain types of Acid had slightly different effects on me. For instance, 'Strawberries' (these known by the blotter art) were the nicest, instilling me with love. On the other hand 'Jaggers' (showing a big tongue - the Rolling Stones symbol) and 'White Lightnings' (generally no blotter art) seemed to make me paranoid and a bit destructive. Has anyone else found this? In general, if I decide to continue, I try to get the same type of acid, of the same supplier if possible.

I don't take it at the moment, but I think it's about I started again. . . . . when my brain feels flat from normality, its time to expand it again. . . . . .

Take care of yourselves, and each other (where did that come from :)


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5621
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 12,819
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