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Even Moderation Can Become Severe
Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL), Cannabis & Alcohol
by T
Citation:   T. "Even Moderation Can Become Severe: An Experience with Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL), Cannabis & Alcohol (exp56251)". Jan 1, 2011.

150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
  2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I recently went on Wellbutrin XL, 150 mg once daily, for the treatment of severe depression. I have never been a heavy drug user, and I had intended to avoid drugs or excessive alcohol for the duration of my antidepressant therapy. However, I had just moved into a new apartment and decided to celebrate by going out to a bar and having a few drinks. On Wellbutrin, I feel the effects of alcohol almost immediately, and I require fewer drinks than usual to obtain the perfect buzz.

By one a.m., I was mildly intoxicated and ready to head home while my roommate and friends continued to drink. I walked home with a friend who is a heavy marijuana user, and we shared a good-sized joint together. My experiences with weed up to that point had been generally pleasant and innocuous, free from bad trips or paranoia. Usually, I just experienced muffled thoughts and sedation. That night, after one puff, I felt the characteristic body high begin to creep up, and with a second hit, I was immediately struck by the feeling of losing complete control of my body. I became terrified as I could barely control my movements. I (foolishly) hurried my friend away because I wanted to climb into bed alone and wait for the feeling to subside. I was confused because the amount of weed I had smoked was barely enough to become high, let alone enough to have such a strong negative reaction or overdose symptoms.

I began to experience the sensation of strong electric shocks running from the top of my head down through my arms. I was afraid that I was going to have a seizure. I began to have heart palpitations, and I was shaking uncontrollably. In my paranoid state, I was convinced that I was going to die, alone in my room, due to a tiny amount of weed.

After lying on the floor for an hour, the symptoms had not subsided, instead they became more intense, with the electrical sensations moving throughout my body. I called my roommate and asked her to take me to the emergency room. When she arrived, I was convinced that my body temperature was much too low, causing my teeth to chatter, but to her I felt feverish. I was able to walk, but I couldn't control my tremors and I couldn't think clearly. My roommates told the nurses that I had taken something and they weren't sure what it was. I didn't even think to mention the fact that I was on an antidepressant. I can barely remember the waiting room, but I was eventually turned away because I don't have Canadian health insurance. I didn't have 500 dollars to pay the admittance fee, and I was taken home. Without being able to do anything but lie down and hope for the feelings to subside, I fell asleep, shaking and scared. I thought that I wasn't going to wake up in the morning.

I did wake up, feeling as thought I had a terrible hangover, but nothing worse. I talked to the friend that had given me the weed, and he had experienced nothing similar, which meant that it could not have been laced. I haven't smoked anything since that night, and alcohol alone has not caused any similar symptoms.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56251
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 1, 2011Views: 25,161
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Pharms - Bupropion (87), Cannabis (1), Alcohol (61) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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