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Not for Everyone
Citation:   Chair. "Not for Everyone: An Experience with Methylone (exp56446)". Jan 31, 2007.

230 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
On a windy Thursday morning I ingested 230mg of methylone from a reputable supplier. It had only been in my possession for a week.

I've plenty of experience with psychedelic drugs, both the usuals and the RC's. Lately I've been on vacation from drugs, pursuing sober life, trying to manifest the changes I've seen I need to make to be proud of myself. I meditate and do yoga, and I am very sensitive to changes in my psyche. 15mg of caffeine is too much for me.

My state of mind going into the experience was not exactly positive. Life is tough and I'm having trouble transitioning from passive to active life. Wednesday was my 21st birthday, which I spent alone. Basically I was too depressed to want to talk to anyone.

So this morning I got up, did my beach yoga with the rising sun, wrapped the pungent chemical in some paper and ate it. I was already feeling better than the night before.

10:47 +230mg methylone

In ten minutes I took a shower and did some dishes. Then I packed my backpack with some music, a sketchbook, and some sweet Faber-Castell markers.

I sat on the beach and tried to meditate as the chemical set in. I burped a couple times and tasted the chemical.


Possible first alert.


I try laying down in the sunshine and listening to some music. It was really very nice, but not any nicer than usual


I wonder if the chemical is going to kick in. I wrapped it in a receipt, and I wonder if receipt paper is harder for the stomach to digest than tissue or toilet paper. It seems unlikely.

I move to a bench and start to draw the sun shining through clouds. A priest professor from the university comes over and lights up a cig. I make some conversation, hoping that this chemical shines with social interaction. We have an interesting talk about literature, but nothing unusual.

I finish up my picture and it’s pretty sweet.


I go to eat in the cafeteria alone, and sit down next to some random chick. I usually try and do this kind of thing, and we usually talk. I get her number, nothing too unusual.

So I never really ended up feeling anything. My heart rate didn't increase that much, although I was a tiny bit sweatier than usual. I tried to do some yoga towards the end of the experience and it wasn’t any different than usual. I would describe the experience as similar to eating blotter before it has been saturated with a drug, or like being around drunk people. I ended up in a good-ish mood, but I wasn't smiling or anything. Also, all my normal social anxiety was fully present when talking to the chick.

I don't really have any way to explain my reaction. I don't have any special allergies or anything, and it was my first time with an 'entactogen'. For all the psychedelics I've tried, I have avoided MDMA. I wonder if it has to do with the extent to which I used to trip - other experience reports talk about life-critiquing experiences which made them want to change bad habits or something, whereas that is all I think about, ever. I'll definitely try it again, as I have a couple grams of the stuff left over and it would be a bad idea to try and share it without having experienced it myself first.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56446
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2007Views: 13,171
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Methylone (255) : Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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