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So Connnnnnnnnected
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Curious1. "So Connnnnnnnnected: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp56507)". Dec 16, 2020.

40 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
2nd Voyage

10:00 am, Saturday, a friend and I sit down to eat 40 grams, each, of dried cactus rehydrated in lemon water. I’m in a good mental place for this though I have a pretty strong headache. The first bites are okayish, but getting the last one down was recognized as a real victory. Drinking the last of the soak water was an even greater accomplishment.

Amid fear that I hadn’t taken enough to get a good effect, it started. The total body rushes of sexual energy began which would last until about 6:00 am. About half a page of notes was all I could write: “Every human being should get to experience this! So connnnnnnnnected. So connected that my head is following the changing breezes. I blow back and forth like a weed. Mescaline reminds you that you are the art.” My closed eye visions really pick up and I’m able to exert alot of influence on them. With my eyes open I see tracers from moving objects, and a multicolored “vibration” surrounding everything. Geometric tile patterns appear.

We spend most of the day either in the screen house or in the living room. A walk was considered but never seemed like a very good idea. Even by 10:00 pm that night it still didn’t feel like a good idea to walk around the neighborhood. The headache continued throughout the day, but I could work with it, ignoring the pain and just using the sensation.

I have a long series of thoughts on how this would be a wonderful journey for a couple to embark. It couldn’t help but be a spiritual experience and would likely result in an even deeper bonding. It is my honest belief that my wife and I would benefit from this.
It is my honest belief that my wife and I would benefit from this.
Mescaline opens communication paths and creates a gentle mind space in which it is safe to explore each others thoughts.

By late afternoon my buddy’s wife had retrieved him (note, he consumed about half the amount as I, and has 40 pounds more body weight). I call an old trip friend to discuss my current condition, and am amazed at how far off I still am. Regarding the heroic consumption of a difficult material my friend comments, “You always were very determined.”

The feeling that I have been having sex all day with the universe continues. It is unrelenting and I just move with it, flowing back and forth. I am the passive one here.

Now I’m listening to music and watching as the trip seems to remain pretty entrenched. By 1:00 am I note that I am still tripping, and it is still nice. Eventually I’m in bed by 3:30 am, and very aware of tripping continuing until well into the morning. By 10:00 I feel able to type.

[Note that there was a very severe headache all day after the trip. I had to attend a memorial service for a friend and it was absolutely miserable due to a great amount of pain. Ibuprofen and ultram were not able to quench the head fires. In the future I will not do this with a preexisting headache.]

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56507
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2020Views: 935
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), General (1)

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