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AMT, You were GOOD to me!
AMT, Clonazepam, Vicodin & Cannabis
Citation:   phillip. "AMT, You were GOOD to me!: An Experience with AMT, Clonazepam, Vicodin & Cannabis (exp5676)". Dec 31, 2001.

T+ 0:00
  oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 30 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 3.0 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
'I did my first full dose of amt the other night. I'd tried it about four days earlier, smoking an eyeballed dose. I enjoyed the experience, but I didn't get the full effects. Last friday after I got home from work, my roommate offered me a vicodin. I'd decided earlier to do amt tonight, and I figured the vicadin could only act as a little padding.

Three hours after the vicadin, I took the amt. I put a little yellowish powder into the small part of an empty capsule. The amt I have is kind of hasn't been stored correctly. I wasn't over dosing, but I got more messed up from what I took than I thought I would.

About twenty five minutes after taking the amt I started to feel it. I was sitting in front of my computer, and I first felt a body rush. It made me nervous... it's not supposed to kick in that quickly (from what I've read). I didn't feel sick either (the time I'd smoked the amt, I ate right before and puked), which surprised me also. The come up was really pleasant.

About fifteen minutes after the body rush, the words on my computer screen started to slant slightly. This was about fourty minutes after ingestion. I was feeling upbeat and euphoric. My jaw wasn't feeling tight yet, and I was having absolutely no nausea. I hadn't eaten for five hours, maybe that's why my stomach was ok. My vision started getting even more slanted, and blurred. My mood was good but I was still a little worried that I'd taken too much.

I decided to take a shower to help calm myself down, and because I needed to bathe. I started putting my shit together, all my supplies for the night. I had to walk to my friend's apartment, and there was a blizzard outside...I like to be prepared when I'm leaving in a major weather event while tripping on a new (for me) substance. I think the amt was making me more obsessive than I normally am. I was blasting richie hawtin, and gathering records, then cds, 'oh I should get this', 'oh, I need that', 'oh', 'the window looks pretty', 'oh, I need to dance', 'dance', dance, 'oh what order should I put my clothes in', 'oh the lights are pretty', dance, dance', 'I need pot, hide it in the cd', 'oh, bring another klonopin', oh, dance, dance...this was after about fifty minutes.

I made it to the shower ok. My euphoria was growing quite a bit, and I found everything really amusing. The shower was great, the the warm water:amazing. Singing was silly and felt fabulous, and my balance was even pretty good.

Everything looked liquid, not just the water. The walls were breathing a lot, hyperventilating even.

When I got out of the shower, there was no chill. I usually get a little chill, no matter how warm it is when I step out, but nothing.

Being in the brighter light made me realize my vision was even more impaired. Everything was sparkly, and the colors very bright. As I dried off I realized this was going to be a TRIP, not just an interesting drug experience.

When I got to my bedroom, I was thrilled that I'd obsessively arranged all of my necessities. I realized that I wouldn't have been able to figure out what I needed, at least at all decisively. I quickly got dressed, collected my things and stepped out...this time into a fierce snow storm.

The blizzard was in full swing. The wind was whipping, and there was six inches of snow on the ground. I decided to wear these ridiculous platform skechers I have. I haven't had any reason to wear them since I bought them. It was really fun tottering around in platform sneakers on amt in a blizzard. WEE.

The snow looked amazing, everything also had this fine mistiness around it. I noticed this effect the whole night....I even hallucinated little 'eddies' in the 'mist' once in a while..

The cold didn't effect me at all, I felt great. I wasn't in a snowsuit either...the cold, it just wasn't effecting me. The walk to my friends house was REALLY FUN (the walk home was not quite so fun).

There weren't many people walking around in this blizzard so, I started yelling ,and singing and talking to myself. I do these things without fear while sober and alone in public, but I'm usually too paranoid when I'm on drugs to behave in such a way.

The visuals were less 'mathematical' than acid, but the colors were similar. The body feeling was wonderful...tingly and good.

The jaw nastiness wasn't too bad either, but before I left my house I'd taken a klonopin. I'd read in another amt story that klonopin helped with the jaw tightness. The pill seemed to work too, because my jaw was mostly ok. I would from time to time catch myself with a clenched jaw, but I'd notice and be able to stop.

My balance was good considering the conditions of footwear/snow. I walked by the police station...and the station can appear kind of scary. Normally, I'm not scared by the police station, on hallucinogens I usually am. I had NO paranoia with this substance, and I also didn't feel at all out of control.

I got to my friends house, and I had a large smile on my face(I smiled non stop most of the night).

It was about two hours after taking the amt. I was going strong, definitely nearing a peak level. I didn't try to conceal my condition from my friends, I most likely wouldn't have been able to if I'd tried. I was laughing and grinning uncontrollably.

I told them what I was on, and we proceeded to smoke some pot. I was far more fucked up than I'd been at home. It felt really good to be sitting on a warm couch.

It also felt really good to talk to people. I continued feeling extroverted, friendly and euphoric, with a lot of good energy. Smoking pot through the night was very nice, it worked well with the amt. The visuals were fun, but not too strong. I could've handled more intense visuals, but this was a nice social thing. I had no trouble interacting with my three friends, who were smoking pot and drinking. Later, k and I crushed up a klonopin which he sprinkled over several bowls of pot. That was quite fun.

A couple of times I noticed I was tripping really hard. I'd be sitting on the couch, and if I didn't talk for a few minutes I'd just float away. It was kind of like spnontaneous meditation. My eyes would lose focus and all the sounds would blend together. I'd be sitting there, and realize that I'd been in this place , I don't know if this was just the amt, or that and a combination of vicadin and klonopin.

I stayed at k's until about three-thirty in the AM. I felt the same about the whole time I was must've been the plateau. Pretty long fucking plateau, it was an entire night. I love that about this stuff. You take it once, and you're zooming, in a really fun kind of I took four E kinda way for at least eight good hours. I did that night.

The walk home was very weird, I was all over the place....physically and mentally. I didn't feel like singing or dancing, and the cold WAS bothering me. I still wasn't nervous about the police station, but I wasn't at all very sure of my behavior. My vision was fucked, I was getting tired, but I didn't feel like SHIT...I just didn't wanna be walking in a blizzard. I got home by using the 'one foot in front of the other' method.

I finally got home. I went into my room and turned on the mellow trip lights. I put groove salad on, and smoked some pot. I felt very mellow and still 'trippy'. I popped my third klonopin and drifted warmly in the music until about five-thirty, when I fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up at ten, and got into my bed and slept for another two hours.

I felt a little off when I got up, but not too bad at all. Nothing like the day after E.

I really like this stuff, but I wouldn't suggest doing it without measuring, because it's really extremely strong. If you did too much you'd be locked into a very intense trip for way TOO long. I'm getting a scale next week, so I can test it more safely...I'll probably take a larger amount.

I'm looking forward to sharing this with a few friends...just gotta wait for that scale. I hope this is informative in some way, if you're still listening, bless you.'

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5676
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2001Views: 31,643
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), AMT (7), Hydrocodone (111) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), General (1)

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