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A Mind Opening Experience
by Iodo
Citation:   Iodo. "A Mind Opening Experience: An Experience with 2C-I (exp56984)". Erowid.org. Nov 12, 2008. erowid.org/exp/56984

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-I
  T+ 1:00 10 mg oral 2C-I
Preparation- A very little amount of food was consumed the day of the trip. Had to have been running on about 4 hours of sleep from the night before.

To start this off A friend and I Took 30mg of 2 5 dimethoxy-4-iodo and started listening to techno. We got Impatient waiting for the full effects of the 2c-i so we each dosed with another 10mg of it about an hour later.

After not knowing what to do with all the energy the 2c-i was giving off I started panicking because I was speeding more than I knew what to do with. I felt very weak for a while and thought that my heart was beating off track and uncontrolably fast. A friends mom calmed me down and made me realize I was being overly paranoid and needed to chill out a bit.

After 4 hours into the trip I ate toast and all of my energy was restored. While going to drink water so I could avoid getting dehydrated things started to look really strange. It looked like we we're living in a mega man game or a cartoon. The patterns of light increased in brightness and light was glowing like a low dose of mushrooms.

After smoking some bowls to calm us down we started drawing on pads of paper. I felt like I knew everything and that I could rant on about any topic for hours. The conversations we had while on 2c-i we're extremely deep. I found myself asking the question why? When everything seemed like it was about to be over the effects of the 2c-i hit us again. When about 7 hours hit the trip was basically over.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56984
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2008Views: 1,596
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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