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Oh thank you, Velveteen Rabbit!
Prednisone & Antibiotics
Citation:   BlueAries. "Oh thank you, Velveteen Rabbit!: An Experience with Prednisone & Antibiotics (exp57137)". Jun 25, 2009.

60 mg oral Pharms - Prednisone (pill / tablet)
    oral Pharms - Antibiotics  
I'm 22, and have recently been diagnosed with a nasty case of scabies, little mites that burrow into your skin, leaving their own eggs and waste, eventually forcing their human host (me) into a very sensitized state of histemia, leading to somewhat of an itching crisis (forgot the nerdy word for 'itching') that can last for weeks upon weeks, even after the parasite is dead. Looooong story short, after covering myself with insecticide cream prescribed to me by the second doc, going to Santa Barbara for Halloween weekend (and I must add for those who would appreciate it, somehow, drunkenly finding my way into the ladies' room at a crowded bar on that Saturday night, with two hot, young sisters, and two other cute females, *edit..., *edit..., *details only I will know, but you can dream about!), um anyways by time I had gotten back, this rash that was once thought to be scabies was worse. I was itching all over, it had even spread to my face. Needless to say, I did not have them scabies, but some sort of infection! My immune system was so whacked out by whatever was invading my skin and blood that it had essentially began to invade the rest of my body.

So I saw five doctors today and ended up with a scrip to a powerful antibiotic, and a tapered dose schedule of prednisone starting with 60mg, once, daily, for five days, then dropping to 40mg once/day/5days, etc. I took the first dose around 2pm with some pizza, cesar salad, and root beer. I had made a nice cappuccino that morning, but probably most of it had warn off at that point. I had been a little out of it all day, at least until about 30 minutes after that bit of lunch. I am quite used to the effects of coffee (I make peoples' coffee every morning), and other stimulants like Adderall XR, and cocaine. No habits here, just for info. It's now 11pm and I'm sipping on some Valerian tea to try to tease my mind into going to sleep. I feel really good! Relaxed, amped, in total control, in a totally clean state of bliss, almost.

This 'high' from the considerably large dose of prednisone (note: I am taking it as specified) is very much like the crystal-clear coming up and plateau of a hit of the purest, most perfectly pH balanced cocaine, the kind that essentially doesn't exist these days, or even like a solid, chewed up dose of dextroamphetamine. Somewhat like what Piracetam + Idebenone + AGPC + DLPA feels like, added to the stimulant equation. This feeling that I continue to glide through however, is in no way 'speedy' (so add some kava kava jk ,) like it may have sounded moments ago in the text. It's not even as intense as any of those chemicals. It's simply a nice dose of perfection. I keep relating this familiar feeling back to the euphoric spans of time I would spend as a little kid, just doing what I wanted to on a free afternoon. Totally stress-free, deeper in my zone than ever, I am not sipping off of this pure, blue energy, I am that energy.

Today after returning from the hospital I conversed with my terminally ill father for an hour easily - by far the longest I've had the patience to sit down with him and work out the letters and words he slowly pointed to, printed on a piece of paper on the wall. I wasn't used to feeling such a connection with him, after all it has been about three years since his diagnosis, and about the last eight months I'm guessing that he hasn't been able to talk. This just goes to show how stress can really mess with your grips on everything if it gets out of hand, or at least how it did with me. So anyways, enough sobby stuff. We ended up discussing gourmet food, and I ended up running out of the house around 5:30 this evening to get ingredients to make a cream-based mushroom oyster soup for my parents (to somewhat of my dad's request :) It turned out really great, actually! We had some brie and a fresh loaf of black olive pugliesse, and of course all split a good bottle of a good double IPA craft beer brewed locally!

I'm really fascinated by this entire experience today, the essence of clarity alone is a beautiful thing - very different from the 'clarity' one might find through various euphoric stimulants. I think it feels so good because it's such a natural feeling, it's letting me take a complete break from my physical stress reactions, letting my body rejuvinate its self while healing its self on the outside (and inside). I can't wait to wake up in the morning, tomorrow is going to be such a great day. I'm really looking forward to going through an entire day like this, in particular so I can share the feelings of love and joy I've begun to relearn this evening, with every person I interact tomorrow, and maybe the next day too.

Let's see how well I can reset a few things here now through a beautiful meditation :)

Peace, love, and joy to all. Thank you, and goodnight!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57137
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2009Views: 30,079
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Medical Use (47), Relationships (44), Various (28)

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