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Meeting on the Pathway
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Bushbaby. "Meeting on the Pathway: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp57156)". Nov 4, 2006.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
My girlfriend and I tried San Pedro for the first time this weekend, on a camping trip we took in a national park in Ireland.

Before leaving. I had brewed up tea from dried material - I boiled up between 110 and 120 grams - so we had enough in the flask for a dose of over 50g each, I had read in several places that this was a good threshold dose.

On our second day out there, we packed a bag with water, food , cameras and san pedro tea and went for a long hike , there's a waterfall a few miles from where we were camped that you can climb up, with rock pools at the top and great mountain views. The climb up was pretty challenging and took maybe two hours, we found ourselves a private little rock pool up there and took some shots each of the tea, which, yes, was absolutely vile. After three small measures my girlfriend refused to take anymore and I just took one more - adding up to four , probably about 200ml of the tea. This was about one o clock in the afternoon.

I was pretty sure if we didn't manage to drink it all we would have wasted our time so I suggested we take a break, get back down to the valley, and try some more down there..

My girlfriend asked me 'What if I start tripping halfway down this mountain?'

I said 'No way' - everything I had read suggested we'd be waiting a couple of hours for any effect, and I still didn't think we'd taken enough anyway.

Don't you just hate it when your girlfriend turns out to be right about something, even though you're the one who supposedly has done all the homework?

So anyway, we started picking our way down the rocky path towards the valley. We were both feeling nauseous, which I put down to the taste and texture of the tea rather than any drug reaction. I just knew I had to hold it together and keep the stuff in me for long enough to absorb it. Somehow walking seemed a little less straightforward but I put this down to feeling sick...

I had noticed when we drank the tea that it might have fermented a bit ( it had been in the flask for 36 hrs ), and I got a bit worried that I had just poisoned us and that now we would just be sick all day without any trip.

After about half an hour on the path we reached the edge of the lake which was a good place to take a break. Both definitely nauseous, definitely feeling weird. At this point my girlfriend said that everything seemed 'a bit different' but she wasn't sure how. I was still worried that we might just be poisoned, but as I looked around, at the lake and mountains, everything did seem a bit strange, a little unreal. The terrain was greener down here, not rocky.

I asked ' was the grass THIS green on the way up here?'

By this time I had decided not to have any more of the tea, at least for the time being, until I had dealt with the nausea.

We continued on - we were still well over an hour from camp. As we passed by other people on their way up, my girlfriend was convinced she could smell each of them as they passed. I was beginning to not want to be around other people at all so we picked up the pace, we were camped in another little valley where no one ever went, and that suddenly seemed very very attractive...

I don't know what other people would have thought of us at this stage , we were openly discussing how amazingly green everything was....

Before we could leave the valley to get to camp we passed through a carpark where hikers could park for the day and my girlfriend lined up at the kiosk to get a couple of cans of coke. I sat on a wall and waited. At this point I knew I was tripping - it was hectic to be around people and children and cars and i just wanted to get away, I felt a foolish grin on my face and didn't dare make eye contact with anyone.

About half way up from there to our camp was another little spot by some rapids that was good for a break, it was here that I finally vomited - I didn't care at this stage , I knew I had already absorbed a lot of mescaline and I felt a lot better afterwards. We were beginning to struggle to communicate verbally - broken, distracted sentences....and did I mention how green everything was?

That brings me to the first major point that I wanted to make - we never did drink any more tea, so everything that happened that day was down to a dose of about 30g dried san pedro each (!)

We now left the path used by hikers and we were in our own little valley, on the way up to the tent. I was exhausted from all the walking but not suffering anymore from nausea and the trip was full on, an incredible euphoric feeling, strong and beautifully visual. Everything we looked at seemed alive and intense with colour. We reached the tent and spent an hour or so lying down, giggling, enjoying it, and recovering from the walk - this was about 3 or 3.30 pm.

This was my girlfriend's first trip apart from a mild experience with some baby woodrose, and my first trip for a long time - my very first with mescaline. By this time, about two hours in, it had all the hallmarks of a strong trip, like when years ago I would take two hits of lsd.

I eventually got it together to boil some water for some tea, and light a fire while my girlfriend chilled out, mostly with eyes closed, and giggling from time to time - she had a big grin on her face too. Even the inside of the tent was a visual playground at this stage.

We went for another couple of short walks, just to look around at everything...we were definitely peaking now and with the come up out of the way, we got a bit better at communicating, it was lots of fun. We lost the light at about six and spent the evening talking, staring into the fire, and eventually eating. It was beautiful.

Although I had found the mescaline to be as intense as a good dose of lsd, it was somehow kinder and more feel-good. A more organic feeling. Closed eye and open eye visuals were something else...

I understand that 300mg of mescaline would be a moderate dose, so I'm convinced we would have ingested between that and 400mg that day. It hit us hard, and the amazing thing is that it hit us so QUICKLY - so much for slow acting Mescalito ! I would put it down as my best trip ever.

Having researched on dosage beforehand, I would never have expected this experience from 30g of dried material.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57156
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2006Views: 7,722
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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