Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   Zealve. "Experimental-Styles: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp57225)". Mar 14, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Ketamine
I woke up one morning, early as to go to work. It was around 8 in the morning, and my cross-the-hall roomate was still awake with a friend from the night before. I was always amused when that happened--be it myself who'd been staying up, or another roomate--and took it as cause enough to call in sick that day.

So, be it recorded that I was well-slept, in the company of a dearly loved friend, two steps from my bedroom, at home in a room where I had tripped several times before.

Our friend left after a little while to go home and sleep. Q had been awake all night, consoling our friend due to a stressful situation, and so as a relief Q declared that we should take some ketamine. I agreed, and we started to wrack our brains about how to make this situation flow... I had no k, and then Q remembered something. Q had received a strange concoction recently. What had happened was that a dealer, who cooked up cocaine and baking soda to make crack, also sold ketamine. This person had, at some point, mistaken a measure of one drug for the other. The result was that some ketamine was combined & cooked with baking soda. Q had a little flat pellet of this in a baggie, which was found amongst all the bedroom, and examined by the two of us. We were kind of sceptical, a bit scared, and a little worried about attempting to ingest this weird substance. The spirit of experimentation eventually took us over. Thoughts that it was just k with some baking soda swayed us to cut up a line, and then to pack a bowl of ganja with some of the white stuff sprinkled on top.
Thoughts that it was just k with some baking soda swayed us to cut up a line, and then to pack a bowl of ganja with some of the white stuff sprinkled on top.

I did the line off a pane of glass that had been found and decorated by the two of us earlier in the morning. Going up, it smelled like cake. We were still weary of whether this ketamine concoction would get us high at all, or would hurt us, or what. I didn't get much off the line, so we decided to try and smoke it. Seriously I would not recommend smoking k. We were just silly kids with silly minds, and besides it tastes like CRAP. So Q took a few strong tokes, and then I took a few strong tokes, and I could feel myself getting higher. We packed one more bowl, and smoked it like the last.

In the peak, life in that room took on a glow & elegant simplicity. It was just me, and Q, just sitting in Q's room. That was all that was going on, and I loved that situation. I had this zen-like awareness of the simple joy/gift that we had – a home, and each other's company. Then my analytical self noticed what I was experiencing, and gave it a name: “Oh, this is so simple!” or something like that. Thinking that thought changed the way I felt, and the way I perceived was not as it had been a second ago.

I don't think this is to be repeated, really, but that one time is something I hold precious in my heart. Doing drugs or doing any other activity is about the people involved & their relationship. That's what's important. Take care!~

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57225
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2018Views: 2,211
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Ketamine (31), Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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