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First a Feeling of Weightlessness
Homemade Flotation Tank
Citation:   bozo baton rouge. "First a Feeling of Weightlessness: An Experience with Homemade Flotation Tank (exp57261)". Jun 19, 2007.

I made a frame out of two by fours. I then cut open a waterbed mattress and nailed a one by two strip of wood around the frame to hold the mattress to it. I took the heater that came with the bed and placed it under the split open mattress and filled it with water. I purchased around 70 pounds of Epson salt from the drug store and dissolved it into the warm water. The water should be close to body temp. More or less Epson salt should be added until no more will dissolve (saturated).

Laying in water (no clothing) gives one first a feeling of weightlessness. After about 30 min. Its hard to tell which way is up. I started hearing a humming sound which I felt was 60 hertz from the power lines which ran behind the house. I was super sensitive to everything after spending one hour in tank. Everything was brighter and clearer. The effect lasted until the next day when because of my wife's negative reaction to my tank, had to be shut down. I would like to do further test one day like on the movie altered states. Thank you.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 57261
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 17,396
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Floatation Tank (369) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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