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Doesn't Mix
Naloxone & Crack
by L.L.
Citation:   L.L.. "Doesn't Mix: An Experience with Naloxone & Crack (exp57461)". May 15, 2018.

8 mg   Naloxone
    smoked Crack
I was dually addicted to heroin and crack/cocaine. My drug of choice was crack, and the heroin was my 'necessary evil'. In order to not feel the nervousness from crack, I would have to keep snorting bags of heroin. When I went on methadone maintainence, however, the combination high from the done and crack was very sweet and smooth without the nervousness.

After several years of that dual addiction, I went into treatment to get off methadone, and started taking suboxone. The suboxone worked for my opiate addiction, but suddenly, when I smoked crack/cocaine, I wasn't even getting off. It seems, for me, the suboxone takes away any sensation I would normally feel when I smoked crack. This was so frustrating that I actually went back on heroin so I would enjoy smoking crack.

This was not a good solution though, as I hate withdrawal and hate jonesing. So back on suboxone, it seems to have cured both my addiction to heroin and to crack/cocaine, even though the latter occurred for me begrudingly.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57461
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2018Views: 3,935
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