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We Sipped Slowly as We Conversed
Citation:   Marcus. "We Sipped Slowly as We Conversed: An Experience with Hash (exp57555)". May 3, 2018.

1 cup oral Cannabis - Hash (tea)
We had a gram of hash that was hard to scrape into filings for smoking. I've always been adverse to smoking anything, so I suggested we try making hash tea.

We wrapped the cube in a cloth and smashed it with a hammer with one blow. There being four of us I heated 4 cups of water in a saucepan to a boil, reduced heat to a simmer, and added the crushed cube. Unscientifically, I simply let it simmer until an amber colour developed, which was about 30 minutes.

I portioned the brew into the cups and we sipped slowly as we conversed. It tasted slightly bitter but actually it was rather good. At first, we thought the experiment was a failure. But, as we continued to socialize there came a point within 30-60 minutes where we realized that we were already in an altered state. It sort of crept up on us unawares. Most pleasant.

Exp Year: 1970ExpID: 57555
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2018Views: 1,196
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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