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Earth Energy
Yerba Mate
Citation:   Mthed. "Earth Energy: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp57972)". Jun 14, 2007.

1 Tbsp oral Yerba Mate (leaves)
I just tried this tea for the first time last week. Here’s my experience.

Preparation: I add one tablespoon of loose, coarsely chopped leaves to a large coffee mug. Then I run hot water from the tap (my tap runs really hot) into the mug. I stir and then drink immediately using a metal filter straw.

Taste: loved it instantly. Tastes a lot like green tea, maybe a bit earthier. Unlike green tea, it seems to be very difficult to screw it up. I can steep it all I want and it still tastes great. I never get that harsh bite that can happen with green tea that's been steeped too long.

Effect: like other caffeinated beverages, it gives me a boost, but somehow even drinking several large cups doesn't give me the jitters or feelings of anxiety that I often get from coffee. It's a much mellower, even relaxing feeling. I still love the taste of coffee and couldn't completely abandon it, but yerba feels like a much better choice for daily consumption. For me there were no mind altering effects other than the pleasant feeling I always get from a nice warm caffeinated beverage.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57972
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2007Views: 12,924
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