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Perfect Bliss
Pharmahuasca (Moclebemide & M. ophthalmocentra) & Ritual
Citation:   RRoldanBR. "Perfect Bliss: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Moclebemide & M. ophthalmocentra) & Ritual (exp58022)". Jan 3, 2007.

75 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  1 Tbsp oral Mimosa ophthalmocentra (extract)
    smoked Cannabis  
This report gives notice of a third experience involving one type of pharmahuasca, an “afrocyberdelic” method (reference to Chico Science and Nação Zumbi), in its most ethymological meaning. It demands further explanation, but let’s make first things first.

Actually, I feel that a whole cycle has been initiated. About a month ago, I prepared 500g of Mimosa root bark, a species known here in Brasil as Jurema Vermelha (red djoo-rayh-mah or Mimosa ophthalmocentra). People believe this is the strongest of the Mimosa species. I have no means to verify this. I’d need a good lab in order to make it.

Anyway, I prepared it with alcohol, water and lemons. The resultant 1,250 milliliters of the Vinho da Jurema (wine of jurema) could serve around 100 persons with one strong shot each one. As no trustable and affordable MAOi natural source was available at the same time, I moved my wheels to get some synthetic provision of it. Moclobemide ended as the best choice among them all, mainly for its quick metabolysm and safety.

The previous reports are named “Wrathfull Goddess” and “Ever Expansive Sphere”. I had one tough night, a kind of personal armaggedon. The second experiment was much better, but yet very strong.

Both of them took place with just one psychonaut: me. I learned the hard way, since the Jurema cults here in Brasil are not expanded throughout the country. Besides, this tekbrew is at least a couple of times stronger and disciplined than regular Ayahuasca.

Note for the term ‘afrociberdelia’ (afrocyberdelia) – Afro brings the unified origin of human gender into play, cyber shows that technology and science are accepted as the valid methods today and ‘delia’ is the suffix of ‘psychedelia’, or the discovery of inner truth, access to one’s own most essential truth.

Getting back to the main dish, this third experiment was indeed revealing and fruitful. I decided to accept the petitions from a couple of friends that wanted to drink the magikal potion. I went to their house last Friday morning (which was Justice holiday here). They were instructed to observe a typical MAOi preparation diet (even though it wouldn’t be necessary when using moclobemide, I find useful to break the psychonauts routines).

There, another friend of ours, DeeDee, was willing just to help and watch, but not to take active part in the sacred communion. As we were going to perform a real ritual (which I was about to coordinate), I entrusted him with Zelator grade. His tasks were just to help me control schedule, to answer the door if the bell ringed or to help clean the ground if someone’s nausea came too quick before reaching the bathroom or backyard. He did all that very calmly and confidently, that’s why I’m so thankful now.

It’s just about half an hour from my home ‘til my friends’ place. (lots of Brugmansias in the path) Yet, differently from me, they live in a small city surrounded by some forests and hills not much touched by urban sets, near the British old village of Paranapiacaba (Indian word for “the place where one can get a sight of the sea”).

A few days before, I prayed that if there were something I could not already comprehend very well on the experience, that at least it could bring spiritual comfort for my friends and I. In the beginning, I felt nothing would happen. Minutes after, my being was like touched by the Holy Spirit of All (PANgenator)!

Silvia, the couple’s girl, brought some tangerines, bananas, soy juice, the important chamomile tea and other stuff. We ate some fruit, prepared the tea and put a rectangular table in the middle of their most illuminated visiting room, with a good window and a hanging cloth curtain with rose flower patterns filtering just a little sunlight. Oh, BTW, on my way there, I’ve chanted asking for the mist that was there to dissipate and for the sun to appear behind the clouds. Man, it really did…and Fiat Lux! ahahaha Amazing!!

Wally, the man in the house (allegedly) is passing thru some unemployment situation, but he’s not moving himself too much. After the fruit, I gave each one their moclobemide pills (half of it – 75mg). Silvia, a very skinny and small gal, took just half of her half pill (thus, a quarter of the whole tablet).

I brought some paraphernalia for the séance: a maraca (single rattle), a whistle imitating a bird, a vajra and a ganthu (sceptre and bell from the Vajrayana Buddhism) and some Tibetan medicinal incense from the Drikung monastery in South India.

I also brought into life some toques [tow-kays] (touches – traditional Jurema songs), chamadas (calling – traditional Uniao do Vegetal songs), hinos (hymns – traditional Santo Daime chantings) and the Red Tara’s mantra (Djetsun Drölma).

Please, note that these, along with marvelous music composed by Phillip Glass and performed in a cd by Uakti (an excellent Brasilian experimental group), were used from head to tail of the session. Practically no metaphysical terms were applied, since I’ve adapted all this songs and explained some of their simple (but deep) metaphorical meaning briefly prior to the consumption of the sacred brew.

Eaten the fruits and the pills, I went first to cleanse the rest of the house from ‘bad vibrations’ while people stood in their own feets concentrating on their own strength to remain standing on this hard life. All these foci (plural of focus), again, have some kind of subliminarity, maybe on the verge of neurolinguistics. Do not confuse with pure belief and religious faith. The order here is always to conclude, not to believe.

People sat around the table, where all the tools were arranged into a mandala pattern.

I gave some last instructions about circumambulation and the whole picture of the experience, its cultural and personal implications, its rules to maintain a responsible use and the proper way to behave under the heightened existence we’d experience. Wally lit a joint in cellulose transparent paper which I never saw before. Very nice!

Here comes one of the most interesting parts of this experiment. I brought a Toth Tarot deck (see Aleister Crowley for reference) with me. Each one picked a card among the 22 Major Arcana. It’s important now to stress that Wally always called me the “pope of transcendence”, as I showed him LSD and shrooms in the middle of a great spot in Minas Gerais, an important Brasilian State, full of natural displays of beauty and power.
People took the following cards (Wally and Deedee took two cards each one):
Wally – XIII – Death and XVI – Tower
Silvia – II – Priestess
DeeDee – XVII – Star and I – Magus
Me – V – Hierophant

No need to say: the cards taken were so precise pointing what would be then unveiled that I was like stunned for this kind of intriguing triggering coincidences.

After all the mumble-jumble to establish a positive set, I served the Jurema’s Wine. Just a small spoon for each, mixed with the digestive chamomile tea. I drank first and then served each one separately. The taste this time was mild and gentle. Finishing my small cup was a little hard just by the end of it.

I started singing the traditional songs and then put the fantastic cd to play…

The mood was just fine, I was feeling confident to guide these folks and support any course of action. Wally asked to take more tea (without the wine) and to go to the bathroom. Well, to make a long story short, he ended up vomiting as hell (think he ate too much fruit and didn’t avoid alcohol the night before). Silvia tried to help him, so I had to take the rattle, send her back to the room and let him pass alone thru his catharsis. I helped him with the hypnotic cleansing of the rattle and then brought him back into the room, feeling much better.

For about ten or fifteen minutes, I thought that nothing would happen, since Wally simply ejected all his portion. Oh, how wrong I was, for Life’s sake! ahahahaha I kinda saw Wally’s digestive system and some small quantity of the wine being absorbed.

A sacred space really showed itself, by clear and smooth visuals, in complete and coherent scenes and plot, and by open-eye visuals, like patterns of light and detailed drawings took the scene. The house began to look like a shining palace lost in the jungle long time ago. I could hear and breath like never before. Laughs and smiles took form.

My muscles relaxed but didn’t became melting. I was so relaxed that most of the pains I was feeling in my back and shoulder disappeared and I was able to squirm my body and take all my articulations into place (thus releasing air from them). My back got very straight and soft, maintaining my head up and my breath free and deep…

I felt anointed, blessed and consecrated by the most holy state in the whole universe. Energy flowed through my limbs as if I were a rising star. My emotions were so good that I think I could turn Hell into Heaven! No evil could strike upon me!!

The relaxation took us straight right as everybody had lots of pleasure sighs… ehehe The tactile sensations were so special that I had to touch all my body to relax it.

There were moments I felt this was still a strong dose, but everything went so well, gently and balanced. Many visions helped me to organise ideas for a novel I’m gonna write. I could send positive vibration anywhere in the cosmos, what led me to think that Jesus is just a symbol for an enlightened person, as the term Buddha or Jinas (Sanskrit) or Jin (Japanese). My next year plans all got strength to be realized within me.

Wally and Silvia told me in a low voice: “Maaaan, I don’t really have anything else to say”, communicating that they were full of words a few minutes before and then now these words have been washed by the striking and overwhelming blissfullness they were passing by. It was a session so blessed, that I’m still feeling realized and peaceful.

After centuries (an hour or so in our time computation), we began to recover our sense of immediate reality and to understand better the proper motivation stated at the beginning of the session: “May I avoid to do any evil and to be helpful to others get enlightened. May my heart and mind be cleansed of the illusions about Life and the may the Natural Mind be restored. May this be auspicious to all beings in the Universe”!

We did the final procedures to close this kind of ritual and began to change impressions. Then comes the most curious fact. Deedee, the guy who just helped but did not shared the pharmahuasca, had his visions too. Impressive and strange visions, BTW!!

Let me explain better. The week between the second and the third experiments, I had this vision explaining details on the “master” Antoine of Flowers, a mental friend who guided me in the last Mimosa meditation. This mid-week vision connected him with the Irapuã (eee-rah-poo-ahn) bee. Irapuã means round honey and this species of bee is feared for its wrathfull attacks and praised for its medicinal honey.

Not only by the sense of society and hard work, but for its anatomy this has been a special symbol. Searching this until-then-unknown-to-me bee on the web, I discover that bees have eyes in the top of their heads. This resembles to me the famous Eye of Shiva or the crown chakra, the channel for Life to awaken us.

But nobody knew this or even know this by now… What happened is that Deedee saw with open eyes three afrofolks, one of them an afrogirl most beautiful, bearing black insect wings (he said dragonfly, not butterfly).

He didn’t know this, couldn’t be aware of… He could have been subconsciously suggested to see birds wings, since one or two of the songs I chanted said things about Jurema and birds, but none of them brings insects, honey or whatever of this alive…

Very strange. For me, this could be a sign that something IS beyond our now existing knowledge… something filled with LOVE and WISDOM.

At the end, Wally recognised to himself and to me that the Jurema Negra (black Jurema) is not something to play with (he thought he could go to a party after its effects) and that the experience cleaned his bad thoughts and lack of hope.

I believe that the strong and fierceful cards he took, the vomiting… I dunno, but it seems a real catharsis directed from a superior teacher. Nobody else picked such a purgative cards and nobody else threw up and he seems to be the most lost boy in that psychonautic troupe. Hope that he tunes in with a more positive behavior!

That’s all folks! Thanks for reading it!! May it be helpful to someone…

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58022
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2007Views: 10,483
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Pharmahuasca (822), Moclobemide (75), Mimosa ophthalmocentra (394) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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