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A Bad Robo Experience
by LP
Citation:   LP. "A Bad Robo Experience: An Experience with DXM (exp587)". Sep 12, 2000.

375 mg oral DXM (liquid)
After weeks of going through everything I can find on DXM, I decided to give it a try. On my way back from work I got a bottle of Cough Syrup containing 750 mg of DXM. Since it was my first time trying the stuff, and my first experience with dissociatives, I decided to aim for a second plateau experience. I calculated that half of the bottle would provide me with around 375 mg of DXM, the dosage being somewhere around 5.2mg of DXM/kg. I started drinking the syrup around 9:30 PM and I was struck by how disgusting the syrup was. I found that holding my nose helped at first, but it was soon very hard to drink it, no matter what I did. I finished drinking it around 10:00 PM. Around 10:35 PM, I started getting nauseous but was still able to keep it down. Ten minutes later my vision became distorted like it is when you're really drunk. There was no CEVs and my thought processes were unaffected. At around 11:02 I puked my guts out for 10 minutes. I did feel better afterwards, but I started getting a very intense diarrea. Walking was very hard, in fact I had to ask my floormates to carry me to the bathroom. Since it was clear by then that the experience wasn't going as planned anymore, I called my friend and asked her to be my sitter. She helped immensely by carrying me to the bathroom, making sure I didn't get dehydrated, etc(I would like to point out that I should've asked for my friend to be my sitter before I actually started advice to everyone is to have a sober person nearby). I started coming down around 1:00 in the morning, at that point I was able to go to the bathroom without her help. I'd like to point out that the diarrea was still very intense, forcing me to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes or so. It's now 2:30 in the morning, and I feel fine, save that I'm really drained from the experience and I still have the damn diarrea!

While this wasn't my finest tripping hour, I'm glad I had the experience. While I might try DXM in the future(it won't be anytime soon!!), I will never do it in the cough syrup form again. My advice to anyone interested in DXM is to try an extraction process or just buy the pure stuff.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 12, 2000Views: 20,383
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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