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by Zeif
Citation:   Zeif. "Insufflated: An Experience with Valerian (exp58750)". Jul 3, 2009.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Valerian
  T+ 0:03 1 line insufflated Valerian
  T+ 0:06 1 line insufflated Valerian
Ok first off all I want to say is that I've been on the web and read about Valerian. So I decided to do some self experiment. Over the whole night I insufflated 3 lines total. First I snorted 1 line waited 3 minutes then snorted another. I'm guessing these lines were roughly 50mg-60mg.

After about 8 minutes I realized a relaxed state of mind. Not a state of mind you would expect on marijuana or alcohol, a new state of relaxation.

At about 15 minutes there was a (very) mild body buzz. Almost as if your waking up from sleeping.

Around 30 minutes a definite tiredness is noticed. Although I feel as if I have no worries. I wouldn't consider it a empathogen or mood raiser, the feeling was more apathy then happy relaxed state of mind.

At 1 hour no effects noticed and I feel no more will come. The only thing noticed is the continued tiredness. I'm guessing this will stay for the rest of the night unless I eat something or drink and energy drink.

Next time (if there is) I'll try a rough 200mg dose. And so up. Overall the drug was ok. A higher does is prefered but as an experiment it wasn't bad. There was no real after effects, except I slept exceptionally well that night and woke up rested.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58750
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 3, 2009Views: 24,647
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Valerian (48) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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