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Creatively Disturbed Trip
Salvia divinorum (35x extract)
Citation:   Eddie. "Creatively Disturbed Trip: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (35x extract) (exp58900)". Jul 24, 2009.

T+ 0:00
  oral Anadenanthera colubrina (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:30 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
BODY WEIGHT: 69.8 kg
I was in my front room with 3 friends watching TV. It was evening and I was a little tired, another friend came round with some legal highs he had just bought, the first he gave out was cebil, some brown fine powder. I took a pea sized amount not really knowing what it was meant to do exactly. About 10 minutes later I was feeling somewhat more awake but no really noticable effects came, for the following hour he went on to roll a joint containing the cebil not adding more than a thin layer above the tobacco, and a salvia one also adding the same.

I cant say I felt anything, I got a slight head ache but felt no euphoric or abnormal side effects, he then after about an hour and a half left with a friend leaving me and one friend in the room, he even offered me the salvia extract as he said it made him trip out a little too much (he said the lights became bright and everything things just felt too wierd for him, he has only smoked weed previous to this.)

I gladly accepted this and was very pleased as I had nothing to smoke myself and was happy to try a new drug, even a legal one. A friend of mine had done salvia at a festival trying an extract of 20, he compared it to the glowing feeling of mushrooms with the light being somewhat brighter and distorted.

Not really knowing how much to put in and not expecting much after the let down of feeling nothing from the cebil, I got my bong and put about 2 peas in filling it 3 quarters, I then took the bong holding it in and drinking some water before breathing out. Straight away I felt a rush close to a nicotine hit, then my friend asked if it did anything as the room started to tilt, I cant say I have ever seen a room tilt on any drug so much without moving my head, I laughed and couldnt really reply just look around, everything seemed intense, it came on so fast that I cant say I can describe my initial reaction, like the glowing/coming up of mushrooms, but my mind couldnt work out what it was feeling.

I dont remember how I got into it, I felt I was leaning forward, off the couch, and then I wasnt myself, I have never felt anything like it in my life, I cant compare it to seeing stuff on mushrooms however intense because I still know I'm seeing it or feeling it and know I have taken mushrooms. I basically felt like I was suddenly unbound, I was part of a grid, I had just been released or awoken and could see to my left and right, I was in an endless grid of basically square blue cubes, each slot into each other connected to make a mass of interlinking never ending mass of living cubes................

I.....I say I, I wasnt me though, I mean I was me as in it couldnt of been you however I wasnt a human I didnt have arms or feet or a fully biological body for that matter, I straight away felt distressed. I wasnt meant to be up and able to look around, I could feel from the start a constant force pushing over my back, which was a bendable slab of metal. The force was a sort of electrical water stream going over everyone forcing them down to stay down and providing was the current that connected us all,
I knew I wasnt supposed to be able to be up, the force was pushing me down and I knew I was soon going to put back into the grid as I, the problem, was being fixed. The thing to my left was the only thing I looked at, its slabbed back was connected to all the other grids squarely. I felt as if my eyesight was upside down somewhat, say as if were leaning off the couch :)

I could see we were arches underneath, the thing to my left had not an eye, but it was staring at me, it was in panic and shock that I was up and was saying that I shouldnt be up, but there were murmurs all around that I shouldnt be awake or out of sync with the others, I felt so much fear of being put back into reality but I craved to feel normal again, I was in fear of being fixed yet didnt want to stay released because I was basically a thing that only felt instinct, a being 90% mechanical. I couldnt feel anything that I could feel if I went back into the system, I would be alone and destroyed was a thought that passed in one of the few thoughts I actually had. I only felt primal feelings, fear, impending doom and a huge level of stress.

I dont remember coming out of this, the next thing I remember I was lifting myself up and looked to the right at my friend and then to my left at my speakers. My mind was blank, I didnt know what I was looking at, where I was, I was trying to work out what was happening, I looked to my right again and saw my friend and remembered that I had recognized him, I then looked to my right again, at which point my friend asked if I was ok, at this I laughed. I tried to talk, but could only give a feebly shaky yet sincere laugh, I tried to talk a few times in the following 5 or 6 seconds as I turned and just stared to my left but all I could not do anything but give a laugh. Everything was an intense yellow glow, I still didnt know it was a speaker but I knew our straight green couch was the very very curved goldeny green couch I was sitting on. Then after about 10 seconds I got a few thoughts back and breathed heavily. I couldnt remember what happened when I tripped out, but after about 10 seconds after sitting up I managed to say something.

I was shaky and felt pretty messed up, but knew I was getting in control and on a drug.
I was focusing on seeing normal and cant really say I took in time to focus on my experience but I felt like my skin was lighter than I should be, and I felt an intense rush. I kinda ran around the house in a daze going OMG! While doing so I remember what I had just experienced but only at a small level, I only remembered that I had tripped I was something else. Then the more I thought about it the more disturbed I felt. Every time I tried to remember more I felt as if I was experiencing the distress I felt. I had instantly repressed it. I told a friend what I had just felt, but didnt go into much of the emotional detail, just I was being woken up.

Then the next day, (today as I'm writing) I told a friend about it, in as much depth as I could, as I did I felt a great emotional rush come over me, a feeling of it being just upset with flashes of the trip intensely mixed with the distress as I recalled it.
The trip lasted no more than 7 seconds I'm told, before I sat up straight, the disorientation of not knowing anything about 10 seconds before quickly disappearing, and the comedown rush lasted about 4 minutes.

I have never been so mentally out of it with any combination of recreational drugs, it was an intense trip totally out of body and only a primal mind being first woken like a man coming out of a coma he'd been in since a baby. It has put me off the drug as this is something I never wanted to feel again but understand it was just a trip at the end of the day. I probably will do a lower leveled extract next time AND/OR not holding in and drinking water as I think one of these two made it a bit too real and creative to enjoy.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 24, 2009Views: 4,894
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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