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The Ups and Downs
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   Kratosaurion. "The Ups and Downs: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp60224)". Sep 27, 2009.

120 mg   Amphetamines
The set-up: Keep in mind that I am a fairly large person, and I have done Adderall quite a few times. This is the largest dose I have ever taken. I decided to go to a friend’s house to trip on 120mg of Adderall. He was to load up on caffeine to stay awake, and observe my trip. I took them around 5:00pm.

The first effects are just beginning to kick in. I feel the happiness that comes along with it. My mouth feels a little dry, but I don’t notice it much.

The happiness increased, but still isn’t anywhere near in full force. My typing speed and accuracy have both increased. My sense of time is just beginning to become slightly inaccurate.

I am feeling slightly tingly. Laughter doesn’t come natural anymore, and I am able to suppress it now. I can feel vibrations and movements ripple through my body. I feel slightly light-headed, and I feel as if my skin is shrinking, and I am aware of my skin against my skull.

I’m feeling wonderful. I feel like everyone loves me. I’m so happy that I want to cry. I can’t help but feel kindness and compassion towards everyone, even people I don’t like. I have a slight pain in my back, but I think it’s because of the fact that I’ve been moving around a lot. The pain is going away quickly. Even when it was there, it wasn’t bad. It was hardly noticeable in fact. I feel more in tune with my body. My hands are slightly cold. They feel like machines. My typing accuracy is way up. I haven’t used the backspace key at all while typing this. I am developing a slight pressure in my head and left ear. I’m not sure, but I think this may be the beginning of a small sinus headache. I don’t think its drug related though. Off and on, a region of my head, at the top, in the middle, and slightly to the left, I feel a tingling alternating with a slight pain. My arms feel like one or two small needles are poking them. Oddly, the feeling is not unpleasant.

The general high is starting to subside. I can still feel it though. My face is tingling slightly. My right ear is starting to throb a little too. It feels about equivalent to an ear infection, only without the discharge and not NEAR as painful. In fact, pain really isn’t so bad, and it’s easy to ignore. I still feel the occasional pressure near the sinus area. My stomach is slightly upset, but I barely notice it. I am still typing like mad, and accurately. The rippling is getting slightly more intense.

The intensity has subsided slightly, but the tingling is spreading. It keeps wavering as to its intensity. My hands are still cold, and while I’m still typing faster and more accurately, I’m not typing quite as fast.

My hearing is a bit muffled, and there is a slight echo effect, as I have had in the past. It’s not at all unpleasant. I’m also feeling a little hot. I’m still feeling “active”, but I don’t feel the urge to move my legs. Typing seems to calm me, because it releases my built up energy. My arms are starting to feel a little tired from all the typing. My cottonmouth is getting bad, but it’s not all that unpleasant. The tingling is coming back, this time in full force. The cycle continues: tingle, pressure, and then nothing.

My sight is starting to fade, and gets slightly blurry when I look at lights for a few seconds. Normally, it would only affect a part of my vision. Now, when I look at bright lights, it affects the whole of my vision. It’s very odd. I don’t notice it phase in and out, but somehow I know it does. I’m getting the light-headedness again. Someone is playing music that, under normal circumstances, I would hate with a bloody passion. I don’t mind it so much. I’d like it, if I didn’t know any better. It’s five minutes later, and my vision is much better, but it’s still tinted orange-ish yellow. I’m not sure if it’s the lighting, or just me. I’m starting to lose my ability to discern normalcy from the extraordinary. It seems so natural. Normally, when I’m active during the nighttime, I get a little warm. I feel that way now, only it seems natural, and almost preferable. I’m beginning to feel a general good-naturedness towards everything. People who, under normal circumstances, I would fear, are now warm and friendly.

I’m regaining my sense of humor slightly. I laughed (unforcefully) for the first time in quite a while. I haven’t laughed much all day, actually. I’m feeling a little less hot than I was a half an hour ago. I’m still feeling pretty restless, and now my typing has slowed. Due to my restlessness, I tend to have more errors. Every once in awhile, I still feel a wave of wonderful emotion flow over me. I still experience the same good-naturedness that I’ve been experiencing for some time. This music is getting better and better, even though I know in my mind that it’s horrible. I feel as if I need to get up and jump up and down or something. My movements are starting to feel more fluid than usual. I feel “groovy.” Sometimes, I feel the urge to move my head from side to side, slowly, and I’m moving it along with the rhythm of my typing. I’ve been experiencing a few other unexplainable synchronicities as well. If I don’t get up, I think I’ll burst into flame!

When I put any significant weight on my legs, they almost act as if they are falling asleep. My typing speed is up a little, but my accuracy isn’t up by much. I’m having trouble typing this, because my leg is bouncing uncontrollably. This is the fist time that I’ve been uncomfortable with any of the side-effects. I think that if I concentrate hard enough, I can make it stop. I may have to stop talking for a while. Apparently, it worked. I can control the shaking, but I have to concentrate very hard. Once it starts, it’s hard to stop. I’m very sure that I can stop it from coming on in the first place. I’m going to go crazy if I don’t move soon. It’s hard to type when I’m so restless. My brain is going a mile a minute. My eyesight, which had gotten better, is now looking the way it did.

I’ve figured out that the orange and yellow tint is actually the natural colors of the light. It appears that I just seem to notice it more. My vision is still about the same as looking into a large area-encompassing light. For some reason, it seems to clear up when I look at things that appear to be at a distance, and oddly enough the same thing happens when I look at something that’s moving. Moving things seem to pop out of the scenery ever so slightly. I seem to be doing all sorts of strange things with my hands when I’m thinking about what to type. I’ve developed some odd habits, such as running my fingers down the keyboard, and lightly tapping the keyboard with no intention of actually typing something. It’s getting increasingly harder to refrain from bouncing my leg. I have to stop now, and stand up for awhile before this gets too out of hand.

A very annoying person has been pestering me for the past 2 hours. Thanks to this substance, I’ve been able to tolerate it. I haven’t been able to type anything. Thankfully, nothing much has happened in the last two hours. It’s been pretty much just more of the same.

The effects are really starting to take hold. I have slowed down significantly, and I’m no longer shaking. In spite of this, I seem to be extremely cautious. Every time I see my shadow out of the corner of my eye, I jump, thinking that it’s a person. I looked at a window, and I saw a man peering in at me. I soon discovered that the voyeur was, in fact, my own reflection. I’m not feeling nearly as much of the goodwill towards mankind kind of feelings, but I’m not going to say that it’s entirely gone. Now I have shifted to paranoia. I’m being extremely cautious in everything I do. I’m even aware of the sound of my keyboard as I type. It seems loud, as if it could be heard throughout the whole house.

The tingling has stopped for now. I have that headache that I felt coming on hours ago. It’s not very bad, but it’s different from my normal sinus headaches. My eyes are just beginning to get sore from staring at the computer screen off and on for these past hours. My sense of time is more distorted than it’s ever been. Fifteen minutes have passed in what seemed like only one. At the same time, it feels like time is going by very slowly. I have no real comprehension of time. All that I know is numbers. I know that it’s 2:30 in the morning, but I don’t feel that it’s 2:30 in the morning. My breathing seems to be rather choppy. I’m not sure if it is, or if it’s an illusion. I have absolutely now way of telling now.

I’m having many minor auditory hallucinations. I keep thinking that I see something out of the corner of my eye. I have to think really hard to remind myself that it’s just the drugs. I’m going up and down constantly. I’m beginning to become a little disassociated. I’m having some major troubles thinking. My mind is thinking so fast, but never about what I want it to. I’m having troubles finishing sentences. I have to use every ounce of strength that I possess to finish this. The paranoia is beginning to fade slightly. I feel a strong urge to move my head in a fluid, circular manner. I just made a remark about a triangle, so I am told. I’m not sure it’s true. I’m feeling the urge to move random body parts, but always in a circular manner. I’m not even sure if it’s circular, but I can sense that there is some pattern to it. I have become happier than ever before. This is definitely the peak.

I was completely wrong about the peak. If this isn’t it, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I have lost all since of time. I’m so happy that I want to cry. I’ve just had a few visual hallucinations, along with the auditory. So far, I’ve heard a dog howling in the night, I’ve seen a pig walk through the door after snorting loudly from upstairs, and I’ve heard sheep in the distance. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I saw my father’s face staring back at me. My muscular coordination is waxing and waning. I can direct my general movements, but it seems that I can’t refine my movements. The fluidity is gone. I stop, and stare into space while my entire body tingles.

I can no longer fully control it. I have given over to the power of suggestion. There is a slight burning in my throat. For some reason, I like it. I associate the basic outline of various objects and figures with numbers and letters. I am constantly trying to decipher these messages. They are trying to tell me something, but I just can’t put my finger on it. The doorway just spelled “hello.” I can’t help but think about everything. Memories are rushing back in waves. I recall the day’s events. How long has it been since I started this entry. I cannot tell. It could have been a year.

By now, all of the effects have subsided. I am completely exhausted, and I got to bed.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2009Views: 39,478
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Amphetamines (6) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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