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This Is What It Did to Me
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Parsalus. "This Is What It Did to Me: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp60234)". Mar 12, 2007.

T+ 0:00
35 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
  T+ 2:45 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Hello my name is Parsalus, I’ve been a psyconaugt since my first Cannabis experiment back in 1999 when I was in 8th grade. My curiosity for Psychotropic drugs peaked when I first experimented with Dextromethorphan “DXM” in November of 2001 and from there on I experimented with multiple psychotropic drugs all the way up until 2007. Mescaline is one drug I will never forget about, it is one mean, tough, animal that you must be prepared for both mentally and physically.

Sometime in June of 2006 I ordered 125grams of Peruvian Torch Cactus Incense which contained Mescaline and a few other alkaloids that wouldn’t alter the effects in any odd way. The Peruvian Torch cactus has much less of the other alkaloids than the San Pedro cactus and a lot less than the Peyote cactus so this incense is the closes thing I could do to pure synthetic Mescaline which is impossible to find.

I was working nightshift at McDonald’s and my shift ended at 12:00AM at midnight. Approximately 2 hours before my shift ended at about 10:15PM I ingested 35 grams of the incense orally and washed it down with orange juice and stayed hydrated. I was planning on walking home. 12:00PM came around and I was finished work and I sat outside and waited for the effects to take hold. I noticed the first effects come on at 12:30AM two and a half hours after I ingested the substance, so yes Mescaline does take a while to go into affect.

At 12:30 as I was sitting outside at a table in front of McDonalds’s I felt what I could only describe a coming up on a nice clean roll of MDMA “Ecstasy” like a feeling of taking 3 beans. There was a bit more physical discomfort and this MDMA like high had a spiritual edge like Tryptamines. I started thinking about goodness, kindness, charity, and humility.

I was having spiritual thoughts like “I could be poor no money or nothing but it wouldn’t matter because my spiritual contentment is so high that I know God will take care of me and I would just help others and that is better than any materialistic thing in the would because what I was feeling was real and it was pure and so many people are lost and don’t know better.” In the midst of these realizations I was rethinking my idea of walking home and this is what was going through my head. “If I walk home Lucifer knows that I am enlightened and he will trick me by jumping into a police officers spirit body just so he can pull me over and harass me and say that I’m on drugs so they can persecute me for these divine and pure thoughts I now understand.” So I waited for a girl I knew to get out a 1:00AM and asked if her mom can give me a ride.

This girl got out of work and started talking to me about her farther dying and how she misses him so much and I talked with her and tried to make her feel better about her situation, it was really odd because I was tripping. I was also seeing OEV of spider web and honeycomb like patterns forming on McDonald’s tile ceilings. The girl’s mother came and we had a quite ride to my house where they dropped me off and this is when the “real tripping” began. I went inside and put on some Jim Morrison and the Doors just for the mood and I smoked 1 bowl of Cannabis and the “Psychedelic Effects” hit me and hit me hard, suddenly there was no more spiritual MDMA like high it completely did a 180 on me.

My body load increased 10 fold to the point I didn’t want to move and beautiful visuals just flooded everywhere multicolored patters just cascaded covering, morphing, changing shape and color. I closed my eyes and saw beautiful women doing James Bond introduction movie style scenes. I closed my eyes and saw pretty girls I worked with dressed up in wonderful sexy dresses just spinning, and turning. I also saw wondrous landscapes of lights, sounds, and colors forming in front of my with a lucidity I can only describe a liquid formation. I didn’t however see any Aztec or Mayan type designs which I was expecting.

During the peak of the trip at about around 3:00PM I couldn’t move because my body felt poisoned by this “crazy cactus poison” but I felt like I was on Amphetamines and tripping at the same time. The visuals just kept on coming and coming to the point I wasn’t even paying attention to them anymore and all my personal problems were being thrown in my face by the spirit of Mescaline that came to me in the form of a wild man who kept telling me “Hehe, you kids found me, I’m not mushrooms boy I am a whole nether animal not to be reckoned with and I am younger in spirit than all you kids, BOY!! As it revved up the high to visuals just flooding my everything. The spirit said to me or at least this conversation was going on in my psyche, you picked the wrong man to mess with. I am laying in bed fucking poisoned, and tripping balls, meth style but couldn’t move having the spirit of Mescaline throwing all my issues like “I have to get my license and to stop abusing opiates , ect” in my fucking face, complete ego death I was noting and Mescaline was like my wise uncle slapping me into shape. I went through deep and difficult introspection.

8:00AM in the morning I’m coming down and I am shaken. I also see spiders that I normally kill and I would not kill them at all under the influence of this cactus. I had bad diarrhea because of the cactus incense and basically reflected upon the experience. I can honestly say Mescaline gives me a taste of spiritual bliss than rips me from it and makes me work for my spiritual bliss as in it kicks my ass, slaps me, beats me down, picks me up cleans me off and kicks my ass right out the door, that’s the best I can describe it.

I didn’t sleep until the next night.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60234
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 10,461
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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