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1000mg in 10 hours
Methylone, Fluoxetine & Bupropion
by N
Citation:   N. "1000mg in 10 hours: An Experience with Methylone, Fluoxetine & Bupropion (exp60382)". Jul 9, 2007.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:50 200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:35 125 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:30   oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00   oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:00   oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:45 150 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
Yesterday my order of 1g Methylone finally arrived. Yippy!

Not having a milligram scale, I eyed out what I thought was 150-250mg and dissolved it in Powerade. Taste was nearly unnoticeable, slightly bitter but in no way foul.

T+30m: Nothing yet. Mild stimulation (placebo?), excessive yawning.

T+45m: Still waiting. Check email, read message from my mother. I feel the urge to communicate with someone so I call her.

T+50m: As I talk to my mother waves of euphoria work their way from my neck to my feet, causing my hair to stand on end. The high feels peculiarly similar to that of cocaine (better?) but I'm not complaining. Each wave lasts 30 seconds to 1 minute, followed by an equally long period of dysphoric anxiety. Cycle repeats itself over the next 15 minutes.

T+1h5m: All euphoria now. The 'wave' effect has turned into a steady peak with no feelings of anxiety. Emotional barriers lessened (non-existent?). We discuss past issues, childhood problems, current drama, conversation is flowing quite well. We discuss and work through things that I've never had the nerve to talk about before.

T+1h30m: Euphoria still present, still on the phone with Mother. Short-term memory starts to fail. Much effort is needed to talk intelligibly -- I repeatedly lose my train of thought while talking, leading to akward silences. I don't want Mother to suspect I'm on drugs.

T+1h45m: Wrap up conversation with Mother. Break out the Methylone for a re-dose.

T+1h50m: Approximately same dosage (150-250mg) added to a cup of Powerade. I chug the solution, leaving a little in the bottom as a booster for later on.

T+2h15m: Euphoria present, but starting a steady decline. Stong stimulation overpowers the euphoria. Heart rate 100+ bpm.

T+2h30m: Some euphoria, mostly stimulation. In an effort to regain the wonderful feeling I had while talking to Mother, I re-dose again.

T+2h35m: Add approximately 100-150mg of Methylone to remaining Powerade and take it in one gulp. Taste is not an issue.

T+2h45m: Very bad jitters. Legs shaking, arms shaking, yawning continuously. There is still a certain 'euphoria'. Enough of one that constantly has me debating whether or not I should re-dose.

T+3h: Spend some time browsing the net and doing miscellaneous tasks. Very, very stimulated. Much like the effect of Adderall, without the edginess.

T+3h30m: Re-dose yet again. Baggy of Methylone is starting to look depleted.

T+4h: I discover re-dosing replenishes euphoria for a brief period of time, but it is rapidly replaced by overwhelming stimulation. Each re-dose potentiates the stimulatory effect while degrading the euphoria.

T+5h: Compulsively begin researching and reading anything that has to do with Methylone. I find a report where a user injected 1g over the period of a day. What the hell, only 1/3 of a baggy left, why not?

T+5h30m: Eat a hamburger and chips. Goes down surprisingly easily considering how stimulated I am. No nausea, no unpleasant side-effects from eating. Actually quite enjoyable. Sweets seem like they'd hit the spot.

T+6h: Finish eating, re-dose again. Baggy of Methylone is almost gone. I estimate there are 2-3 doses left.

T+6h30m: Overstimulated. Checking my pulse every few minutes. My heart feels like it weighs 20 pounds. I feel it beating in my forehead. Nagging euphoria still present. Totally different from euphoria achieved at first dose. Comparable to methamphetamine.

T+7h: Heart rate slows down a little, so I decide to re-dose. Only one dose left. This sucks!

T+7h30m: Time moving very fast. It's getting late. I scramble to find some downers. There are none to be found. I've committed now I must follow through. Looks like I won't be getting any sleep tonight!

T+7h45m: Empty rest of baggy (~150mg) into glass of Powerade as I've been doing all day. It's become a ritual by now. Gosh, this morning seems like so far away. This drug has a slightly psychedelic edge to it. Definite closed-eyed visuals though I don't pay much attention to them.

T+8h: Not much more stimulated than I was at T+6h30m. I get one comforting wave of euphoria from the last dose, and slip back into the anxious, crackhead-like headspace I've created for myself. Is 1000mg too much?

T+9h: Spent the last hour researching Methylone. Perhaps I should have done this BEFORE dosing (hint). Only a few reports of dosages higher than 500mg.

T+10h: I think I've learned everything I can about Methylone. My paranoia of overdosing is replaced by restlessness as I realize even at this high a dose Methylone is relatively safe.

T+10h15m: Considering going to bed, but I know I won't be able to sleep. Bleh. Already starting to feel some kind of a comedown. Perhaps it is the realization I have no more Methylone that is causing me grief.

T+10h30m: Write an e-mail to Mother telling her how much I appreciated the conversation we had. Several dormant issues were worked through, and I truely feel closer to her now.

T+10h40m -: I'm in a tweakers mindset. I lie down to sleep. I spend the next 7 or 8 hours rolling around in bed trying to lull myself away. At some points it felt as though I was right on the verge of sleep, but I never quite made it there. Not a surprise at all considering the dose.

The next morning I noticed some marked anti-depressant qualities. I was lethargic from lack of sleep, but as the day progressed I was back in a semi-normal headspace with an extra kick of confidence to boot. Marked cockiness and sociability, even while being awake for 24+ hours.

I experienced no major side effects from this large dose except a slight case of HPPD. Toward the end of the day I had opaque swirling black dots in the center of my vision in each eye. I attribute this to sitting in front of the computer for 10 hours while tripping, pupils dilated the whole time. Or possibly a side effect of sleep depravation. It's already starting to go away. No biggy.

Be careful with Methylone. It's very addictive and can get the best of you if you're not careful. I'm lucky I only had 1g my first time, or I may had overdosed. Also note I took 2 10mg Prozacs and a 300mg Wellbutrin XR prior to ingesting the Methylone.

It's a good drug, and legal. Can't ask for much better! Stick with small doses. Larger doses are enjoyable but lead to diminished euphoria.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2007Views: 25,010
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