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Heightened Harmonics
by Kil
Citation:   Kil. "Heightened Harmonics: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp60454)". Sep 2, 2007.

  repeated oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I have experimented with diphenhydramine for a number of years now, and I figure that it is about time that I share my experience with the world. My usual dosage is 200mg, but I have been known to take considerably lower and considerably higher dosages for differing effects, lower for less of a crash, and higher for more of a debilitating state. And I have never taken over 14 pills, 14 only because at one point I was taking so many that I became tolerant to the effects and required such a high dose for any sort of recreational feeling.

I used the drug, rather the abuse of it, to calm my mind. It is hyperactive, on a normal day I cannot seem to shut it off and this causes me to be paranoid and unstable in my thought processes. Sedatives help alleviate this and so my ride began. Now, this is not to say that everyone would have a positive relation with the drug, simply because I have certain mental oddities I do believe this is one of the only reasons why I can tolerate the drug and utilize it in such a positive fashion.

My mindset that first night was wonderful. I entered the euphoric state within thirty minutes of ingestion. My muscles relaxed, the world became hollow and tolerable. my vision blurred and then my eyes dilated, I became intolerant to light and could see decently in the dark. After about an hour, my body was completely submerged in the euphoric state, pain was lessened, my heartbeat became deeper and stronger, and I experienced a dryness of my facial orifices. Typical, and usually not my concern, however it can be bothersome when my eyes become dry and sticky.

Well, now to the absolute point of my tale. I became musical. Knowingly I am already quite the musical/artistic being, I have my own art gallery online and sport a knowledge of seven instruments, however like the drug suggests, in a hypnotic state one may experience an 'artistic enlightenment', which I did. And do everytime I take the drug. I picked up the flute upon my dresser, and began to indulge in playing every song on my media player playlist! What was more odd, is that I, unlike normal, could hit nearly every note of any song I had beforehand not attempted to play, easily and well. I now understand why some stage musicians delve into drug usage during and before shows.

I've never experienced any amnesia from taking diphenhydramine, although I do tend to find it harder to grasp the right word in any situation now, I am wondering if this is not an after effect of prolonged use. Also, I am beginning to think I should stop taking it altogether, due to a recent problem concerning the veins in my throat, which dilate heavily and ache everytime I decide to 'trip'.

It is not wise to take these pills for the length of time I have, tripping hundreds of times due to the fact that I have taken them for the anxiety alleviation everyday, for two and a half years now. Also, it is a bit shaking when now I have to punch my chest due to the 'heart flutter' which aggravatingly flares up everytime I trip. I have also become dependent on them for sleep on workdays, I'll stay up till five in the morning on any given day, and have to trip hard in order to get any sleep. My circadian rhythm is so messed up from tripping that it doesn't know when to sleep, and when not to sleep. After a 16 hour sleep binge, I will wake up for four hours and grow weary again, falling back to sleep for another 10 or so hours.

In my heyday with the pills I have taken them and been so educated with their effects and the time it takes for the hypnosis to set in that I've binged on them, gone to the store with my mother, and been although fried out of my gourd, completely cognitive and with mental understanding. However unlike the described symptoms suggest, I becme very untalkative and withdrawn noticeably, rather than social. I have also much to my embarrassment, become unbelievably 'in season', contrary to the symptom of decreased libido, described. Instead of a decreased libido, it became quite increased, perhaps that is because I am normally all but dead down there? Who knows.

Also, I have gone through a rather uncaring phase where I would binge on the pills, and then synergize by consuming alcohol. Now, this was stupid I agree, but the effects? They were quite fun. Now that I think about it actually, the reason I did this is because of another horrid symptom that I experienced. The feeling of decreased temperature. I became extremely cold, now I'm cold to begin with, but see nobody should donn flannel in the summer heat of the south. You see what I'm saying?

Anyhoo, being the chemist I like to think I am, to counter the effects of the feeling of frigidity which I knew wasn't really a decrease in core temperature, but the effects of the drug making my body think that I was cold, I drank liquor in the knowledge that liquor makes your body think its hotter than it really is. The result with the right amount, was a settlement to the confliction of thermal instability.

I have also used these pills as a coping mechanism for certain sensory disturbances. I become easily aggravated by cacphonus auditory assaults, and with diphenhydramine in my bloodstream, this became null and void. I would take them, and the bell that bothers the heck out of me at my place of work, would no longer shake me.

The positive and negative effects of the pills have pretty much balanced out, but I do believe that I have decided that should I wish to keep my life, I should stop my habitual indulgence in them. But it was a good run while it lasted.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 60454
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 2, 2007Views: 24,540
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