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Smoking a Joint
Melatonin & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   Mherringto. "Smoking a Joint: An Experience with Melatonin & Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp60609)". Mar 12, 2007.

5.0 mg smoked Melatonin (ground / crushed)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Lately I've been experimenting with Melatonin a natural sleep aid. I began to get curious as to what smoking it would do. So I took a Marlboro medium cigarette and began to roll it till the tobacco was half empty. I crushed up a 5mg tablet of Melatonin and mixed it with the tobacco. I then balled the mixture of crushed Melatonin and tobacco and placed it back into the cigarette with the help of some tweezers. The effect of smoking my concoction was quite delightful it was relaxing as if smoke weed yet gave the nice alertness of the nicotine in the tobacco. The experience was very nice I compare it to being high without the effects of stupidity and laziness. It was very nice. I still cant live without my pot.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60609
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 18,611
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Melatonin (94), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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