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Life Saver
Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL) & Amphetamines (Adderall)
by Neon
Citation:   Neon. "Life Saver: An Experience with Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL) & Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp60677)". Jul 21, 2009.

450 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
I am writing to voice my positive experiences with Wellbutrin. I became addicted to Adderall in senior year of high school in order to make straight As. I did, and went on to a great college, but that's not the point. My addiction was so bad that I started taking it from friends and I even got arrested for it once.

Anyways, Wellbutrin has made the appeal of uppers literally non-existent. I have no desire to obtain directly or otherwise stimulants of any kind, aside from a free line of yay. I am SO happy that's amphetamines are OUT of my life. The quality of my life has improved so greatly. So I am now a few months into Wellbutrin, and aside for an occasional rash on my arm or something it has done MUCH more than it is prescribed for. It gives me a natural boost throughout the day, no jitters or euphoric high, just a pleasant natural energy. It helps me concentrate better than amphetamines because I am not so easily distracted like I used to be when I was wired. It also completely eliminated any pleasure from smoking a cigarette. I was only an occasional smoker, but I literally could not get any buzz or relaxation from them and as a result I cut them off entirely. It does a mildly satisfactory job of curbing my appetite. It also increases my sexual pleasures. In summary, Wellbutrin is a miracle drug!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60677
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2009Views: 22,506
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Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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