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Distance Between Reality and Myself
by Lex
Citation:   Lex. "Distance Between Reality and Myself: An Experience with Diazepam (exp60920)". Erowid.org. Jan 12, 2020. erowid.org/exp/60920

  oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
Dying for Diazepam?

Dying for Diazepam? I know I was...to try it, that is. :) Diazepam is generic Valium and is classified as a sedative/anti-anxiety prescription medication. It is used to treat different types of anxiety-related disorders.

Intention: Suffering myself from anxiety problems I decided to go and see a doctor and asked for Diazepam. I wanted to try this medication since it has a long history of use and was one of the first sedatives to be put on the market. I wanted to know what Valium felt like. I received a prescription for 30 X 5mg pills.

Preparations prior to consumption: I always do a thorough research before taking any drug/medication and so I did the same with Diazepam taking into account it's possible positive and negative side effects. One thing I learned is that it takes a little time (about an hour) to kick in but can last about 8-12 hours. By the end, I experienced a type of mental exhaustion.

Mindset, setting, dosage and timing: It was a nice and sunny summer day and so I decided to go to the park and take a 5mg pill around noon and see what would happen. I was in a good enough state of mind at the time to take a chance and see what it was all about.

Physical and Mental effects: Within an hour I began to feel more mentally and physically relaxed. It seemed as though there were a certain distance between reality and myself, which was not unpleasant. It took a little while for my mind to adapt to the drug but then I was able to feel comfortable with the effects. Whatever anxiety I was feeling seemed to be down a notch or two.

Overall impression: Does Diazepam do it's job as a sedative? The answer is YES. However, there are more recently developed sedatives on the market that don't take as much time to kick in and don't last as long, 10 hours or so of being sedated is long.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60920
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2020Views: 2,614
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Pharms - Diazepam (115) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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