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Empathogen-Entactogen Subjective Comparisons
by Swlu
Citation:   Swlu. "Empathogen-Entactogen Subjective Comparisons: An Experience with Methylone (exp61060)". Mar 12, 2007.

187.2 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Weight: 75kg
Compound: Methylenedioxymethcathinone (Methylone)
Amount: 187.2 mg
Method of measuring: Analytical Balance
Date/hour: 10pm Saturday Night
Setting: A friends house, quiet.
Mindset/mood: Generally positive, slightly anxious prior to ingesting
Duration: Strange Chronology, detailed below

A friend and I each swallowed a gelcap containing the at approximately 10pm. Initial effects were felt within 15 minutes. Build to peak was slowish. With MDMA., once the initial effects are felt, I am usually deep into peak with 5 minutes. Methylone instead took about 20 minutes to build to a peak which then lasted about half an hour to forty five minutes. I was initially disappointed by the short duration of the peak. During the peak however I found much less jaw clenching, a more relaxed incarnation of the 'mellow energy' that MDMA provides. Very enjoyable.

However within 5 - 10 minutes after the end of the peak I felt this wave of energy come over me, and within seconds my muscles were tense, my jaw was clenching and I had the most ridiculous burst of energy reminding me of my days of using Methamphetamine when all of the sudden I would fearfully realize how tweaked I was after hours of trying to get high. A hint of paranoia surfaced as I checked my pulse, but it seemed to be rather normal. As I enjoy stimulants, I much enjoyed this state as well, which turned out to last about 2 hours. Conversation flowed at an incredible pace, never running out of things to talk about. Empathy was felt but not anywhere to the same degree as that of my initial MDMA experiences, however probably in line with my more recent experiences.

Suddenly it's as if the energy just ran out. Neither of us had anything more to say and ended up just sitting quietly muttering a comment once in awhile. And this is how is stayed for the come down. Thought process were in almost a stoned state, slowed down and not quite coherent. Still feeling the positive body effects. Similar in a way to the later tired stage of MDMA when it's on it's way down but I'm still too stimulated to sleep. Comfortable to just sit there for hours on end.

Physical symptoms:

I did experience a lot of dry mouth, and frequent desire to urinate. Several failed attempts, eventually was able to relax the muscles enough to empty my bladder. This occurred several times and while familiar with this from earlier MDMA experiences, I found this compound to be a much greater degree of difficulty. Nowadays I am unaffected by that particular side effect with MDMA.

Sleep did not come. About 4:00 am I decided to lay down and attempt to sleep. Still feeling much more stimulated that I would have at that stage with MDMA. Sleep did not come, although I was very comfortable and didn't feel the need to get up except to urinate about 6am. I then lied there until about 12:00pm, packed my stuff up and went home.

Throughout the following two days I encountered this frequent urination, the second day at a diminishing rate but still more frequent than normal.

All in all I would say it's fairly similar to MDMA in body high yet weaker in it's empathic / spiritual effects, with the qualitative differences as mentioned above. I found it harder on the body than clean MDMA but manageable.

All in all this is a good one, and if this had been my first empathogen / entactogen I may have come to a different conclusion, but my personal opinion is that this one will not provide the same level of insight, empathy and emotional clarity of MDMA.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 17,046
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Methylone (255) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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