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Kind of Felt Like I Was 'High'
Lactuca - L. virosa
Citation:   Ongaku. "Kind of Felt Like I Was 'High': An Experience with Lactuca - L. virosa (exp61378)". May 4, 2015.

    Lactuca - L. virosa (dried)
I bought some Lactuca Virosa at my local herb shop. It was packaged as a dried smoking substance. Brought it home and smoked some of it in a pipe, it was horribly harsh and gave me a severe headache. But, it kind of felt like I was 'high'.

After picking out about a million stems, I smoked it one night before bed and had the weirdest dream. Bart Simpson got the word 'Jabroni' tattooed on his chest (name of a local bar I go to lol) wtf eh?

But now, chilling on my computer listening to some heavy metal, I'm trying it as a tea. I took 2 tablespoons of it, added a cup of boiling water, and let it infuse for about 10 minutes. I strained out the plant matter with a coffee filter.

Smells like normal tea, and tastes pretty good with sugar. Right now, I feel pretty sleepy, but it's easing the stomach pain I've been having all day. I wonder what kind of dream I'll have.

In my opinion, lactuca virosa is a pretty good pain reliever, but I like my Druid Mood Tea more ,)

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61378
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2015Views: 2,467
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : Alone (16), General (1)

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