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Visuals Were Extremely Heavy
2C-T-7 (smoked)
Citation:   Atarax. "Visuals Were Extremely Heavy: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (smoked) (exp6149)". Apr 10, 2001.

4.0 mg smoked 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
With the increasing reports of 2C-T-7 deaths by insufflation, I decided to make this trip report hoping maybe it would save some lives. It seems that the reason people snort 2C-T-7 is because it is cheaper than taking it orally, I doubt anyone would actually prefer snorting it if the cost was the same. Well, smoking 2C-T-7 seems to be fairly safe, at least safer than snorting because it allows a level of user titration to the effects. A FOAF placed a small amount of 2C-T-7 powder (about the size of a match-head) on a piece of aluminum foil, and proceeded to light it from the bottom using a very small flame and inhaling the smoke through a glass tube. The smoke was noted to have an odd taste, not extremely unpleasant, certainly not as unpleasant as snorting it.

The smoke was harsh, and a good indicator of the amount to inhale seems to be that an amount just below what triggers the coughing reflex is a good-sized hit. The flame was held far away from the foil as the 2C-T-7 vaporized very readily and too much flame caused it to decompose. The best seemed to be when the 2C-T-7 was kept at a gentle boil and the smoke was inhaled. It took about three inhalations to get the match-head-sized dose finished, at which point I waited for one minute to survey the effects. I then repeated, with two additional match-head sized amounts spaced at approximately three-minute intervals.

At this point, about 10 minutes after I started smoking it and had smoked probably around 4mg or so, visuals were extremely heavy, probably equivalent to an oral dose of 50mg. I was feeling pretty good, had some nausea during the smoking but never vomited. I am writing this about 6 hours after smoking it, and I am still tripping at probably the level of a 20mg oral dose.

I have snorted 2C-T-7 on several occasions previously, and this is now my preferred method... I have smoked it five times, this being my fifth time, and it was always easy to bring it up to the level that I wanted it, and even to hold it there by smoking a very small booster dose when the effects began to fade.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6149
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2001Views: 30,735
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