Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Unable to Remember My Last Thought
Citation:   Kratom224. "Unable to Remember My Last Thought: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp61722)". Jun 26, 2020.

7 mg sublingual Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Clonazepam Land

Warning- I think I am an experienced drug user. I have had a myriad of experiences with Clonazepam and know what it does to me. I NEVER drive, operate heavy machinery, attempt to speak to law enforcement or authority figures, or even attempt sexual relations when under the influence of this substance. In all cases I promise the outcome is no good.

To preface, my history and experience with mood-altering substances is as deep and abysmal as a bottomless pit. I have tried everything, liked most, hated some, others utter indifference. If there is one substance which has drawn my attention, time and time again, it is Clonazepam. A benzo sure... but unlike Valium (Diazepam, Xanax (Alprazolam) or Ativan (Lorazepam) in such multitudinous fashion that if it weren’t for obvious chemical structure I don’t even think it weren't considered a Benzodiazepine. This is to say of course, that you are speaking of the effects of such chemicals when taken beyond the prescribed amount (abuse). By themselves, and as prescribed, the similarities between the above chemicals are of course, along with their chemical structures, what put them all in the same category. However, abusing Xanax is a whole new ballgame, if I may use such a sporty cliché, then if one was to abuse Clonazepam. Clonazepam is in a world of its own.

This is where my story begins. Many years ago I was a stupid kid just like everyone else, and I did my share of medicine cabinet raiding when the weed supply was low. I experimented with Clonazepam several times back then. The first time I was 15 and had saved six 1mg pills that I had stolen and was planning on going to a friend’s house for a long time to hang out and smoke a few bowls. I thought I had the timing perfectly. I’d get there at 2 PM, and didn’t need to be home until about 10. Unfortunately I met up with my girlfriend on the way and wound up getting sidetracked. When I finally reached my friend’s house there were many other friends there I hadn’t seen in a while. After a long chat and a few bowls going around I realized “oh shit the pills” and didn’t wind up taking them until about 5 o clock. This was a bad idea, since my father is an authoritarian and I simply could NOT get busted doing ANYTHING. I still figured id sober up in time though because I’d heard other people say that Clonazepam was like “being drunk on pills”, and whenever I got drunk, it never lasted longer than a few hours, that was unless I got truly plastered. Anyhow I took the 6mg which was a bad idea considering it was my first experience. I took all 6 green pills and let them dissolve in my mouth under my tongue, that way to get it into my bloodstream quicker, and within 20 minutes I felt it coming on. It comes on somewhat slow, but then hits me like a Mack Truck. All of a sudden I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t speak full sentences, I was completely sloppy, and I was hating it. Thank god Clonazepam reduces paranoia otherwise I would have had a full fledged panic attack, however I knew id be in trouble. As it got closer to 9 pm I got more and more fucked up. My friend K walked my home and he remembers me saying to him somewhere along the walk, “I feel like I was shot in the head with a machine gun.” When I got home I was able to maintain composure for a little while, me and K went into my room and watched some TV. Eventually my father came into my room to say goodnight as he had work early in the morning, and he noticed something. He just stood there staring at me for about 5 minutes. Finally my friend K looked at me and said “you’d better get some sleep, you had a really long day.” He saved my ass that night. After that point I would only dabble in Clonazepam when I could get it, which was infrequently. But figure at least a dozen times a year I would use it. As a habitual marijuana user it is always fun to use other substances which are not considered “hard drugs”, not because of social stigma, but more of a mental thing, although I know all well what I’m doing is very wrong. Anyhow here is my story of right now… at this very moment, since I have just let 7 Clonazepams dissolve under my tongue and am waiting for the effects to come on.

Mindset- Calm, Peaceful, Tranquil, At peace with everything that I cannot change
Setting- My Room… quiet and clean. Gram Parsons’ “Ooh Las Vegas” is playing

T: 00:00- 7, 1mg, Conazepams dissolved under the tongue. It’s not as bad as you’d think. They really don’t have much of a taste at all. Swallowing the melted liquid burns the throat a tad, but its almost unnoticeable and almost enjoyable. I write my preface during this time of waiting for onset (above)… which leads me to:

T: 00:12- Preface finished. I maintained my lucidity until I was just finished writing, now some effects are starting to come on. Letting the pills melt sublingually definitely speeds up onset of effects. Right now I feel a smidge off base-line, but nothing to “toss cells” over. Although I have been clean from drugs and alcohol for a while now with the exception of the occasional bowl or blunt, I know immediately that I’m not going to be as smashed as my first experience. This probably has to do with the whole “chasing the dragon thing” and how and why heroin addicts spend the rest of their lives looking for that first high. I am in full understanding that Opiates and Benzo’s are completely different, however, I still feel that Benzo’s are extremely addicting and possess the same “demon” of never being able to replicate the “first time”. However I haven’t done this many in quite a while so we’ll see what happens.

T: 00:22- I’m starting to hiccup. This is a very clear indication of benzo intoxication, or at least benzo intoxication which hasn’t quite caught up with me yet. The hiccups are annoying, however I feel very loose, very devoid of anxiety… bottom line is the hiccups don’t matter to me right now. I feel tired. I was a little hungry before but the Clonazepam killed it. Clonzepam will destroy, I mean obliterate my appetite which doesn't feel healthy.

T: 00:35- The Clonazepam is taking full effect now. I didn’t think I’d be this fucked up. I knew it had been a long time, but I was much, much younger then, and my tolerance for other drugs had built so much. The bottom line must be, if I don’t have a tolerance for this drug, it will kick my ass no matter what else I am taking around that time period, or had been taking for that matter. I am yawning constantly, extremely tired, and extremely high. All my worries, paranoia’s, ect., have all vanished. I am one with my environment. I am at peace. And for someone who suffered from severe depression and a more-than severe anxiety disorder, this is a very good thing.

T: 00:40- I know it’s only been five minutes but I have to update. My memory has ‘left the building’. I cannot remember my last thought or sentence, which is interesting because I am writing this just find. Probably the difference between psychoactive chemicals’ effects on experiencial and cognitive thinking and subsequent freewriting. Needs further scientific research.

T: 01:00- An hour has passed. I’m not smashed, and I’d hate to make references to other substances, considering everyone is affected by every substance differently, but for me it takes me 3-7 drinks to get “buzzed” and 8-12+ drinks to get drunk, 20+ and I can expect to black out before the night is over… but I haven’t been down that road in a while. The reason im writing this is because the Clonazepams I took an hour ago make me feel right now as if I’m on the periphery (the edge) between buzzed and drunk. Maybe like 8 or 9 drinks. I feel happy, sociable, my inhibitions are gone, plus I also feel relaxed and without paranoia at all. I stand up and walk around my house. My balance and coordination are at less than 50% that’s for sure. I would not step foot into a vehicle if I was the one who had to drive. The hiccups are coming back, going away, and coming back. I would love to just lay back in my bed and listen to music but I know I’d pass out. Clonazepam has a way of sneaking up on you just as Ambien (Zolpidem) would.

T: 01:25- I stay awake and try and stay focused. My brain tries very hard to convince me to lay down and get comfortable. I know if I do this I will probably pass out within minutes. I decided not to smoke a bowl or use any other substances, this is a Clonazepam only trip. In fact, I hadn’t used any drugs for quite some time before I decided to dip into my own stash of these little green beauties. I wanted to know what Clonazepam was like strictly by itself. I must say that its sedative effects and negative side effects (slurred speech, overall shotness) are probably very much so exacerbated by weed, and especially opiates. Right now I feel a little shot out, however it truly pales in comparison with my first experience, which is nothing but a good thing. I still wouldn’t attempt driving though. Driving Under the Influence of any substance is simply bad news.

T: 2:00- Effects have stayed the same since last report. Extreme yawning and fatigue have set in though. I feel very sleepy and decide to lay down. I know that tomorrow morning I will have a “Klonopin hangover”, which means that Clonazepam, as a “middle acting” diazepam (not short or long acting but in the middle), will stay in my blood and I will experience hangover symptoms in the morning. It’s alright though. I have a hearty breakfast or lunch, and try not to use much the night before if I have to get up early the next day, take a nice shower, relax, and I should be fine to drive.

Final Note- Clonazepam causes extreme inability to “get it up” if you excuse the colloquialism. What I mean is, erection is very hard when I am under the influence of this drug, especially if I am abusing it. I learned it the hard way. Also… although I decided to cut-off the experience report at T+2hrs, simply because I am exhausted. The high usually lasts much longer than that.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2020Views: 1,130
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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